Friday, July 1, 2011

Love Heart Photography

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  • mdforgc
    02-01 07:50 AM
    I am a doc from western NY and would try my best to meet lawmakers here. Let me know if there is anyone interested to team up with me for this purpose.

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  • bharmohan
    05-23 07:54 AM
    Hello Gurus,
    I have filed my PERM through my employer and they mis-spelled my name wrongly. How can I correct this. Still my labor is in pending condition. My employer says we will change it once got approved. But is there a way to correct it before it gets approved?. Please advice me.

    Love Heart Photography. photography love heart.
  • photography love heart.

  • akshayae
    09-10 04:43 PM

    Members from the DC area we have a meeting room/Conference room set up where we can meet up at the Chantilly public library (Virginia)
    The meeting room is booked from 6 pm to 7.30 pm for Wednesday September 12 th 2007.
    The address for Chantilly Regional Library is

    Conference Room
    4000 Stringfellow Rd
    Chantilly, VA 20151-2628

    Date and Time
    Wednesday September 12 th 2007.
    Timing 6 pm to 7.30 pm

    We look forward to meeting you at Chantilly Regional Library

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  • Blog Feeds
    03-29 07:50 AM
    Hat tip to a helpful reader for this very encouraging news being reported by Newsweek. Readers may remember my posting a story last month that the Obama Administration has decided not to defend the reprehensible Defense of Marriage Act in court (though not surprisingly, House Republicans have taken up doing that work). Sooner or later, however, DOMA is going to be struck down. In the mean time, two USCIS offices - Washington, DC and Baltimore, have announced that they are accepting adjustment of status green card petitions and putting them on hold pending the decision by the courts in various...

    More... (


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  • waitin_toolong
    07-26 01:04 PM
    she can start work from Oct 1st no problems for her I-485

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  • needhelp!
    03-25 04:12 PM
    Hey folks who signed up for advocacy days: I am so proud of you! You signed up for the good of all of us. I heard some of you are not confirming your participation. This cannot be an option at this point!

    After all the effort IV has put in in securing the appointments, I, V, We all are counting on you. You had the best intentions when you signed up and we appreciate that, now we need you to finish grad school without being a drop out.

    Many hundreds of hours have gone into organizing this event and not having folks at a meeting that has been confirmed is bad PR for IV and disappointing, sad and frustrating for the people who have been working tirelessly. Can't have it, can't tolerate it. You guys must follow through on your commitment!!!!

    PM me if you have some pressing issue and maybe we can muster up some help to pull you through..


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  • Macaca
    05-05 07:15 AM
    Democrats' Momentum Is Stalling ( Amid Iraq Debate, Priorities On Domestic Agenda Languish By Jonathan Weisman and Lyndsey Layton ( Washington Post Staff Writers, Saturday, May 5, 2007

    In the heady opening weeks of the 110th Congress, the Democrats' domestic agenda appeared to be flying through the Capitol: Homeland security upgrades, a higher minimum wage and student loan interest rate cuts all passed with overwhelming bipartisan support.

    But now that initial progress has foundered as Washington policymakers have been consumed with the debate over the Iraq war. Not a single priority on the Democrats' agenda has been enacted, and some in the party are growing nervous that the "do nothing" tag they slapped on Republicans last year could come back to haunt them.

    "We cannot be a one-trick pony," said House Democratic Caucus Chairman Rahm Emanuel (Ill.), who helped engineer his party's takeover of Congress as head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. "People voted for change, but Iraq, the economy and Washington, D.C., [corruption] all tied for first place. We need to do them all."

    The "Six for '06" policy agenda on which Democrats campaigned last year was supposed to consist of low-hanging fruit, plucked and put in the basket to allow Congress to move on to tougher targets. House Democrats took just 10 days to pass a minimum-wage increase, a bill to implement most of the homeland security recommendations of the Sept. 11 commission, a measure allowing federal funding for stem cell research, another to cut student-loan rates, a bill allowing the federal government to negotiate drug prices under Medicare, and a rollback of tax breaks for oil and gas companies to finance alternative-energy research.

    The Senate struck out on its own, with a broad overhaul of the rules on lobbying Congress.

    Not one of those bills has been signed into law. President Bush signed 16 measures into law through April, six more than were signed by this time in the previous Congress. But beyond a huge domestic spending bill that wrapped up work left undone by Republicans last year, the list of achievements is modest: a beefed-up board to oversee congressional pages in the wake of the Mark Foley scandal, and the renaming of six post offices, including one for Gerald R. Ford in Vail, Colo., as well as two courthouses, including one for Rush Limbaugh Sr. in Cape Girardeau, Mo.

    The minimum-wage bill got stalled in a fight with the Senate over tax breaks to go along with the wage increase. In frustration, Democratic leaders inserted a minimum-wage agreement into a bill to fund the Iraq war, only to see it vetoed.

    Similar homeland security bills were passed by the House and the Senate, only to languish as attention shifted to the Iraq debate. Last week, family members of those killed on Sept. 11, 2001, gathered in Washington to demand action.

    "We've waited five and a half years since 9/11," said Carie Lemack, whose mother died aboard one of the planes that crashed into the World Trade Center in New York. "We waited three years since the 9/11 commission. We can't wait anymore."

    House and Senate staff members have begun meeting, with the goal of reporting out a final bill by Memorial Day, but they concede that the deadline is likely to slip, in part because members of the homeland security committees of both chambers, the House Energy and Commerce Committee and the two intelligence committees all want their say. The irony, Lemack said, is that such cumbersomeness is precisely why the Sept. 11 commission recommended the creation of powerful umbrella security committees with such broad jurisdiction that other panels could not muscle their way in. That was one recommendation Congress largely disregarded.

    The Medicare drug-negotiations bill died in the Senate, after Republicans refused to let it come up for debate. House Democrats are threatening to attach the bill to must-pass government funding bills.

    Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.), chairman of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, has proposed his own student-loan legislation, but it is to be part of a huge higher-education bill that may not reach the committee until June.

    The House's relatively simple energy bill faces a similar fate. The Senate has in mind a much larger bill that would ease bringing alternative fuels to market, regulate oil and gas futures trading, raise vehicle and appliance efficiency standards, and reform federal royalty payments to finance new energy technologies.

    The voters seem to have noticed the stall. An ABC News-Washington Post poll last month found that 73 percent of Americans believe Congress has done "not too much" or "nothing at all." A memo from the Democratic polling firm Democracy Corps warned last month that the stalemate between Congress and Bush over the war spending bill has knocked down the favorable ratings of Congress and the Democrats by three percentage points and has taken a greater toll on the public's hope for a productive Congress.

    "The primary message coming out of the November election was that the American people are sick and tired of the fighting and the gridlock, and they want both the president and Congress to start governing the country," warned Leon E. Panetta, a chief of staff in Bill Clinton's White House. "It just seems to me the Democrats, if they fail for whatever reason to get a domestic agenda enacted . . . will pay a price."

    Republicans are already trying to extract that price. Sen. Jon Kyl (Ariz.), chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, said Democrats are just "trying to score political points on the war. . . . Part of their party can't conceive of anything else to talk about but the war."

    Norman J. Ornstein, a Congress watcher at the American Enterprise Institute, said a Congress's productivity is not measured solely on the number of bills signed into law. Bills and resolutions approved by either chamber totaled 165 during the first four months of this Congress, compared with 72 in 2005. And Congress recorded 415 roll-call votes, compared with 264 when Republicans were in charge and the House GOP leaders struggled to impose their agenda on a closely divided Senate.

    Democratic leaders remain hopeful that a burst of activity will put the doubts about them to rest. They have promised to pass a war funding bill and a minimum-wage increase that Bush can sign, to complete a budget blueprint and to finish the homeland security bill by Memorial Day. The House wants to pass defense and intelligence bills, its own lobbying measure and the first gun-control legislation since 1994, which would tighten the national instant-check system for gun purchases. The Senate hopes to complete a comprehensive overhaul of immigration laws.

    Rep. Chris Van Hollen (Md.), chairman of the House Democratic campaign committee, said his party needs to get some achievements under its belt, but not until voters begin to focus on the campaigns next year. "People understand the Democrats in Congress are doing everything in their power to move an agenda forward, doing everything possible to change direction in the war in Iraq, and the president is standing in the way," he said.

    Kyl was not so sanguine. If accomplishments are not in the books by this fall, he said, the Democrats will find their achievements eclipsed by the 2008 presidential race. Panetta agreed.

    "This leadership, these Democrats have shown that they can fight," he said. "Now they have to show they can govern."

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  • panks
    06-30 01:11 PM
    I am in my 10th year of H1B visa. (GC in process). Every other time I went to INDIA , I got my stamping in INDIA except in 2009 when I returned on Advanced Parole because of a lack of time. Now I need to go to INDIA again in July and I observed this condition for visa stamping at INDIAN consulates which is :

    Have the same class of U.S. visa which is still valid or that has expired less than 12 months from the scheduled date of interview.
    Wish to apply for the same visa class (e.g. had an H1 work visa, now applying again for an H1 work visa)

    My question is whether my last entry to US on Advanced Parole will be interpreted as not having the same class of VISA. After I entered on AP , I did renew my H1 Visa and it is valid upto April'2011.

    Thanks in advance for your help.


    Love Heart Photography. photography love heart.
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  • freedom_fighter
    12-15 12:36 PM

    I'd like to know can a dependent (not the prime applicant) on a pending 485 status, avail unemployment insurance, especially the extended benefits which are being given by Federal govt. to the states.

    This is the latest from USCIS :

    it says, that unemployment compensation is not public charge.

    Does it even apply to both standard unemployment insurance and the extended benefits.


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  • smsthss
    08-10 10:06 PM
    Hi all,
    I received an I-485 RFE for me and my spouse on July 28th. For the primary applicant it was Employment verification letter (currently dated letter from employer describing duties,position and salary info) and for my wife it was about proof of bonafide marriage.

    My attorney replied to RFE on Aug 6th with necessary evidence and EVL.

    Online status for both of us changed today Aug 10th from RFE SENT to RESPONSE TO RFE RECEIVED AND CASE PROCESSING RESUMED.

    Hope this info is helpful in estimating time for people in similar situations.

    PD DEC 04 EB3 I . Whats next ??


    Love Heart Photography. photography love heart.
  • photography love heart.

  • amoljak
    02-09 12:44 PM
    Let�s pick up on Craig Barrett's suggestion: "We should just staple a green card to every advanced degree granted to a foreign national from a US university in science and engineering,"

    It has been stated before, but never followed up seriously.

    May be adding it to "What Immigration Voice wants to do?" would be a start�

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  • peacocklover
    09-08 01:30 PM
    Labor application was filed in 2008 and got approved in 2009; what is my PD 2008 or 2009?

    it's date when your PERM application was filed.

    Priority date - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (


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  • averagedesi
    06-22 02:45 PM

    Here is my situation, my PD is March 05 and my 140 is pending for the past 3 months. Do you guys think if I get my 140 approved by Premium processing it would increase my chances of 485 approval this fiscal year? BTW, as its obvious from my PD I will be filing my 485 in July, God willing.


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  • gman
    06-13 10:36 PM
    I have my Perm approved and my PD became current so i'm able to file I-485 but i have a couple of questions.

    My fiancee was in US on J1 with 2 year HRR that is not up until Jan 15, 2008. She has been back to the US twice since she left (Jan 15, 2006) on B1/B2 visa. We plan to get married. When should we do it for her to be able to come to the US under my I-485 when her 2year HRR is up.

    Please advise. I just sent an e-mail to my attorney but she's on vacation until Jun 19... I guess i'm too anxious to find out what my options are.

    Congratulations to anyone who is able to file.


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  • ilikekilo
    06-14 04:57 PM
    Barbara Firstenberg -- try them

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  • manchala
    11-17 09:57 AM

    If your PD is not current. Here is an effort going on to work on admin fix. Please participate and support. Visit this thread for more information



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  • tabletpc
    01-10 01:34 PM

    I am at present on non-cap h1b and i have asked an employer to file for a new caped h1b in april 2008.

    I have tentative plans of going to india in March end . In case i can't make it before april 1st back to US, can my new emplyer file for my New h1b while i am out side US...???

    Is there any rule that, lates i-94 needs to be sent while aplying for h1b..???

    greatly apppreciate any inputs....

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  • gccovet
    07-28 08:35 AM

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  • casionojoy
    12-17 05:48 AM
    Non-Immigrant visa
    Wednesday, 18 October 2006
    Requirements for non immigrant visa:

    A foreigner applies for a non-immigrant visa when he/she wants to stay or work in Thailand. This visa has several categories:

    * diplomatic visa (D) is for those employed by an embassy,
    * a business visa (B)
    * or a mass media visa (M) are for accredited business or press representatives,
    * a dependent visa (O),
    * an expert visa (EX) are for those performing skilled or expert work,
    * an investor visa (IM) is for foreigners who set-up their companies under the Board Of Investment BOI
    * and a study/education visa (ED) is for teachers.
    * Official ( F). Performance of official duties (involving the Thai government).
    * Capital Investment ( IM ).

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    07-19 07:51 PM

    07-18 03:24 PM

    I have an approved I140 and eligible to apply for I485. My wife is in the same situation.

    Should we file separate? Or should I file only one application heither through my employer or hers?

    Any clarification in this matter would be greatly appreciated.


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