Sunday, June 26, 2011

drums tattoo

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  • jk333
    07-23 01:47 PM
    Just sharing so that this encorages more participation..

    Our company fund drive is at 12500$ (in 4 days).. We're trying to hit 15K
    by Wednesday, which I hope we'll be able to race past.

    Any other company wants to challenge our Drive? :)

    Hi guys,

    I am sure every company would have their own 'stuck in gc process' alias.
    Please start an IV fund drive, so that you can do this on a company basis.

    Theres one going on in mine..and guess what..20 contributions in a couple of hours.

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  • nlssubbu
    07-24 06:05 PM
    this is a 2004 EB3 approval! This is the first one I am seeing from 2004. So looks like they have really cleaned the pipes here, and things should be better going forward.

    The nicest thing of this whole fiasco is that they seem to have ignored country-limits and approved as many as possible. Last year they did only 9.8K EB Indians (teh final count was 17k, but that was due to ScheduleA). THis year (2007) if they have gotten 20-30K India applications out, the dates should move better in the future.

    Eagerly awaiting 2 USCIS stats:
    1. per-country per-category EB approvals in 2007
    2. number of 485 applications received by August 17th

    Per country quota is not applicable based on AC21 rule when it is current for every one. This is what happened due to the July visa bulletin fiasco. As they are honouring that bulletin, they are also forced to approve across all country

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  • bsbawa10
    09-12 07:36 AM
    I wouldnt mind sending old bata slippers:D to beat themselves with

    That is right. I said before and I am saying again. I am against sending flowers or calculators because.
    1. They cost money (Some people may not do that just because of that).
    2. USCIS will like those toys for their kids (Please come out of the movie mood, movies impress a lot but they are a lot different from real life). Believe me they will treat these things as wonderful gifts and we will end up spending time and money for these.
    3. It will not make any difference to USCIS.
    4. USCIS can always redirect all those flowers to orphanage or other places, what they cannot do is redirect our posters trying to put them to shame.
    I have been appealing a lot about this. Why do not we have a letter compain along with posters which should put them to shame. These should not only be sent to USCIS, but also to the press, congressmen, president of US and yes the director of USCIS. I have created several posters here.
    The letter campaign thread is

    Does anybody here agree with me ? Singhsa, your thoughts ?

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  • Drum tattoos are sweet though!

  • amitkhare77
    11-08 04:25 PM
    My company filed labor application on 13th September 2010 and it was approved on 2nd November 2010. Now getting ready for I-140. I thought I will share this info with the forum


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  • chanduv23
    05-15 10:41 PM
    I totally agree with you on this. But I am not talking about the MTR. I am talking about the fee issues. Why do we need to pay if its their mistake. I dont think we are talking about the fee waiver with congress men's office or anyone else.

    I agree. We definitely need to get some kind of process to correct "service errors" against filing MTR which is associated with a cost.

    Remember MTR is basically for presenting NEW FACTS and not to correct service errors.

    If members can come up with innovative ideas of correcting these issues, we can definitely do campaigns.

    All we need is cooperation and help from members.

    AC21 denials is clearly a service error and when one invokes AC21 the person should not be punished by slapping a denial and making him/her accrue unlawful status and forcing them to open a Motion.

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  • satishku_2000
    01-02 08:04 PM
    For me its about the higher prize...thats citizenship...

    I want to be here for good unless asked to leave. But at times it frustrates me to think that I will be well over age of 40 when I get my green card (Assuming that nothing will happen to alleviate the retrogression issue)...

    And I keep asking myself whether its worth the wait (Waiting for 10 or 15 years and working for same employer and same position) ... I think its a valid question.


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  • Pipes and Drums

  • jonty_11
    07-06 05:44 PM
    7/06/2007: Temporary Restraining Order of July Visa Bulletin Lawsuit Filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois as Separate from AILF Class Action

    * On July 6, 2007, the attorneys of Azulay, Horn & Seiden lawfirm filed this lawsuit individually in Illinois.
    Ok here I go again in this Chicken and Egg situation......

    Now that someone filed a lawsuit to invalidate the July VB, which BTW is still could invalidate the CURRENT sttatus....of all Eb categories....precisely what DOS USCIS wants....

    My head is spinning.......Beer anyone?

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  • bigboy007
    06-02 03:21 PM
    But all this applies to New cases right [dual intent option ]???? i still wish its after oct 2008 but as it reads it May 15 2007.

    BTw where does it say H1B is not dual intent ?


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  • gc_kaavaali
    07-14 05:53 PM
    Come on guys!!! please contribute for good cause.

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  • an American drummer

  • mbawa2574
    09-13 07:03 PM
    With EAD ,can you register a LLC/Inc ? Has anyone tried this ?


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  • Eat drums! :

  • sreenivas11
    08-02 03:43 PM
    I have talked to a representative and he very patiently explained me about the mess.
    He clearly and very clearly told me that they have a deadline to send all receipts for June end and July 2nd filers by friday (tomorrow) or worst case monday.

    He mentioned that they are working hard to meet this deadline.
    Hope this clears the anxiety.

    Good NEWS

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  • I_need_GC
    03-14 09:53 AM
    :confused:Dear All,

    I am still on H1 (not utilized EAD), the visa on my passport expired last year. Planning to visit India next week, should I be getting a visa stamped or use AP?



    Well my friend people here will tell you that once you use AP your h1B is not valid any more thats not true. I confirmed this with 2 Immigration officers and my attorney. AP and h1b have nothing to do with each other. One is an entry permit the other is to work with a specific company. no link so use you AP at re entry when IO ask why did you go to india don't say vacation. thats all.


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  • dummgelauft
    03-04 02:07 PM
    (1)EAD is NOT a status. Your status should be AOS, or H1B, L1, TN or whatever.
    (2) I personally know more than a dozen people (including myself) who hgot mortgages, and this was not even an issue.
    (3) You have a horse's ass for a lender. Just go to another bank. Countrywide is quite good, in my opinion. Go directly to them, not through a broker.

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  • suriajay12
    03-07 07:24 AM

    news ticker mentions Eb3 ROW and Eb3 phillipines will Retrogress by 1 year to 2004. (He mentions a phone call from Hillary, not too sure whether to believe it)

    Could this be futher indication that the spill over from Eb1 and Eb4 and Eb5 will go to Eb2 India and China?

    only Monday will tell... This is one nerve wracking weekend. also says the same thngs:

    "03/07/2009: Wild-Fire Rumor of EB-3 One Year Retrogression for Worldwide Category in April 2009 Visa Bulletin

    * The April 2009 Visa Bulletin is likely released shortly. However, there is a wild fire burning towns all over from the rumor that EB-3 visa numbers will be moved backward for one full year for Rest of World category in the April 2009 Visa Bulletin. The sources of the information appear to be credible, but we will have to wait and see. "


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  • funny
    09-11 04:40 PM
    Thats the only thing hadn't happened so far......and now we have it...People are blaming IV now...I hope this is not true.

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  • One of the best known Tattoos

  • Ramba
    09-15 05:44 PM
    This topic was already discussed. Whoever opposing PD porting is confused between law and abuse. As per law, PD porting is 100% valid and legal, one can do nothing to challange the law. A janitor can become a rocket scientist and port PD from EB3 to EB1. One cannot stop it. PD is the date one has officially shown the intend to immigrate and put up in the line. He/She will take the priority/ senioirty if he/she changes the catagory.

    However, people (particularly in consulting/desi/ IT/bodyshopping industries) may be abusing it by creating duplicate job just to port from EB3 to EB2. If any one has evidence/details about it, inform the USCIS/DOL to cutail those employers. You can also explain them that if a same employer files 2 140(or LC) for a same person for a same/similar occupation classification, it should be stopped. Perhaps CIS and DOL listen to you guys. All other efforts will be waste. Even if they act on your request (one employer for one 140), people will find another bodyshoppers to file Eb2 petition.


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  • amitjoey
    05-07 01:28 PM
    i called 3 senators so far,

    they r not sharing the senators stand but they are saying we understand this and we will pass on your message.

    thay did not note anything. they did not ask name & other details also.

    am i doing correct or am i missing anything?

    You are doing everything right.

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  • FinalGC
    01-03 02:44 PM
    When my son was in 3rd grade, he was asked a question ...who were the pilgrims from your family. I told him it was his parents.

    I presume just like the first pilgrims in USA had a lot of struggle, similarly we too are in the same boat....a time will come when we all will get our GC's....however the true beneficiary of the GC will be our children and our benefit will come by seeing our children getting that benefit. However, we all seem to be living better off than the 1st pilgrims...we are living more comfortably, driving good cars and have homes, enjoying the US dream to some extant....Even now if you go to your home are considered a wealthy guy.....even if you have less money in your bank than your counterparts in India or other places...this is due to the standard of living in USA is expensive.

    With the global economy and Infosys hiring US Citizens, I am not sure where where the job market is going, but I feel for the next 50-60 years US is still the place to live, since it has a very strong economy. With that perspective I believe a little struggle is acceptable.....

    GC is out there for all of us...keep the hope alive...

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  • guy03062
    03-15 03:15 PM
    Its confusing whether EB measures will remain in Mr. Frist's bill or not, as following statement contradicts to that he will striped out only guest worker provision for illegal aliens:
    Sen. Majority Leader Bill Frist plans to introduce a bill that deals solely with border security as early as today.....

    Let's wait for the bill and hope EB proposals remained...

    If majority leader Bill Frist bypass Judiciary committee and introduce enforcement alone bill, EB proposal will be there? It also reported that this bill have Senater Arnel Specter proposals and striped out guest worker provision for illegal aliens.
    Does this means that Senater Arnel Specter's proposals on Employment base immigration remain in that bill?
    If yes, We don't have to loose anything.

    Please post, if some one have information

    01-06 02:31 PM
    I thought they were doing jun'2002. If things goes this way. We're day dreaming of Green Card

    06-10 12:07 PM
    Recapture is actually a non controvertial issue and most politicians support it in private. The business lobby was sucessful in getting it done (btw the democrats opposed it even then). These days we have the sword of 'amnesty' hanging over everything related to immigration plus the positions are so polarized that it is impossible to get anything done. The lame duck presidency isnt helping either, each congressman/senator has to worry about its own agenda and their people.

    With the internet every little bit of information is distributed immediately and the opposing forces can easly create noise to drown it...that in a nutshell is why nothing is working for us.

    As mpadapa mentions people satisfied with EAD/AP think that life is good and dont want to help. When people wait in EB3 for 7-8 years and renew EAD/AP for 4-5 times like i have, they will understand. Untill then we hope and pray and call

    Visa numbers have been recaptured in the past (year 2000, I think).

    Do we know more details on how this happened? Who worked for this and what did they do to make their efforts successful?

    Same with the AC21 provision that allows changing jobs after 180 days. That is a huge accomplishment for whoever worked to make it happen.

    Perhaps we can borrow some of their wisdom.

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