Monday, June 20, 2011

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  • BharatPremi
    07-05 01:31 PM

    Yesterday I emailed the same to my senators (Tx)... Today I called one of the senator's office and the guy who was talking to me did not have any clue about the issue. So after explaining the issue I faxed the letter again, ofcourse to both senators office.

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  • PD_Dec2002
    06-02 10:12 PM
    Canadian_Dream, I think your interpretation is wrong..

    41 for an employment-based visa filed for classification under
    42 section 203(b)(1), (2), or (3) of the Immigration and Nationality
    43 Act (as such provisions existed prior to the enactment of this
    44 section) that were filed prior to the date of the introduction of
    1 the [Insert title of Act] and were pending or approved at the
    2 time of the effective date of this section, shall be treated as if
    3 such provision remained effective and an approved petition may
    4 serve as the basis for issuance of an immigrant visa. Aliens with
    5 applications for a labor certification pursuant to section
    6 212(a)(5)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act shall
    7 preserve the immigrant visa priority date accorded by the date
    8 of filing of such labor certification application.


    I think what AILA, our core group and other attorneys are trying to say is that as long as you filed before May 15, 2007 you will be fine regardless of whether your petition is pending or approved. There is no dispute about this point. Any applications that were filed after May 15, 2007 will become null and void the day this bill is signed by the president to make it a law. The 'effective date' ( Oct 1, 2008 ) does not apply for applications filed after May 15, 2007. I will be glad if you can prove me wrong :)

    java_jaggu :

    yes, we both are saying the same thing.


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  • pmpforgc
    03-05 10:42 PM
    For all the replies to my post. I understand that there are many others in the same situation I am in, who can understand and feel the injustices of this process.

    I understand that we made personal choices and we have to take responsibility for our actions, if something is clear is that h1-B is a NON-EMIGRANT visa. I just wish there was more transparency from the USA government when it comes to apply for PR through employment. The backlogs and collapse of the system, only reflect the lack of interest in solving the problem which in my opinion it's also a reflection of the lack of interest in having any more skilled professionals coming to the US.

    Most of the participants in this forum are from India. I appreciate your insights and wisdom, you are well known for being spiritual people who work hard through hardships in life. Many of you have left here important advices and I am grateful for that.

    Personally I have done my best to live a life outside this green card ordeal. I have moved on trying to live a normal life without being obsessed with this problem, but as most of you know, reality hits quite often and we are reminded of the limitations that our legal position imposes, more often than not.

    I am only regret the rude comment of somebody who replied saying " Give up something you don't have? Live a life". It's true I don't have anything to give up and that is the sad part of all this process. I have invested thousands of dollars from my own pocket, gone under distress and suffered the unfairness of the system in exchange of nothing. Yet.

    Thanks for your feedback, and good luck to all you. I hope that someday in the future people from my country, or any country for that matter, wont be forced to leave their families and friends behind because of unbearable live conditions we face.

    Just wanted to highlight two sentence from your post, which are contradictory. You yourself said we made personal choice. so it is hard to belive any one is forced to immmigrate from their home country and get away from their family against their own wish. That is only possible if you immigrated or came here as minor and your parents/adopters made those choices for you, which you did not like. But as i understand from you posts, you applied your own H1B, so I assume it was not against yours wishes. And also in your first post you already mentioned that when you first came here your family was very happy for you. So I assume at that time no one from you or your family were worried about UNBEARABLE Living Conditions in US that WE FACE?

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  • phugar
    05-09 05:44 PM
    can you please let me know what all immigration documents they asked for. My loan with WellsFargo is approved and is currently being underwritten


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  • gimme_GC2006
    03-09 12:00 PM
    For Eb2 india and china dates will be like this in April 2009 bulletin.

    Eb2 India : Feb 2005
    China : Feb 2006

    May 2009 bulletin

    Eb2 India : May 2005
    China : May 2006

    June 2009 bulletin

    Eb2 India : Sep 2005
    China : Sep 2006

    July 2009 bulletin

    Eb2 India : Feb 2006
    China : Feb 2007

    August 2009 bulletin

    Eb2 India : May 2007
    China : May 2008

    What is the basis for this prediction or just a lotto guess :)

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  • Kodi
    06-21 11:44 AM
    I think what he meant is 20 since Jan till now. My attorney has 10 pending and the oldest is from Feb.


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  • 485Mbe4001
    02-01 04:19 PM
    Do we have a meeting scheduled today? if yes at what time?

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  • sandiboy
    08-13 05:47 PM
    This is the first receipt i am noticing for an application received on July 2nd at 7:55AM and signed by R. Williams.
    All other recipts so far were either received at 9 AM or 10:25 Am or so (july 2nd, 3rd, 5th etc) but none of them were at 7:55 AM.

    Please see my last post couple of pages back. I also filed on Jul 2nd 7:55AM


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  • NKR
    06-24 11:45 AM
    1. The days of an immigrant waiting to buy a house until he gets his GC have gone. These days H1Bs r buying homes left and right. More than settling, they look at it as a business prospect. I know atleast 5 guys who r still waiting in the wings who've bought homes. Look, u know u r gonna wait until GC and u know u will get ur why not buy a house? There may be a few who'd be pessimistic about their GC applications and wud think twice b4 making a huge investment and AFAIK, that percentage is very less.

    LOL, there is another thread �buying a house when 485 processing is pending�. Post the above over there and you will see that you would have stirred a hornet�s nest. People will jump on you.

    Personally I think US is not losing as much as it is gaining by not giving us GC, but I appreciate your efforts. We are the real losers here.

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  • MDix
    02-26 10:46 AM
    Forget about LIFO or FIFO, this year EB2 won't be getting enough visa's from spill-over. They would be giving majority of spill-over to EB3-ROW/I/C and EB2 would be getting very small fraction. And how's that is possible for that they would play around the law ( by making EB2 current).


    Yes and then they should process in LIFO order so people like you can get their GCs :p :rolleyes:


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  • ItIsNotFunny
    10-22 02:54 PM

    I sent PM to 200 active senior members of forum requesting sending emails & mails.

    Criteria used:
    1. Has to have atleast one post after 1st Sep 2008.
    2. Has to have atleast 200 posts.

    I got very positive response from members saying either they already sent mails or planning to send very soon or over the weekend.

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  • ragz4u
    03-09 11:03 AM
    Senator Sessions has now stated that he does have a few amendments in Title 2


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  • pappu
    07-22 08:52 AM
    I doubt if Jimi_Hendrix is still active in SoCal chapter.

    Jimi_Hendrix has got his greencard and is no longer active. We need someone to take a lead role. Pls take ownership and get started.

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  • anantc
    05-04 02:05 PM
    Contacted and spoke to Secretary of following Senators:

    Senator Chuck Schumer (New York)
    Senator Patrick Leahy (Vermont)
    Senator Dianne Feinstein (California)
    Senator Bob Menendez (New Jersey)

    Each one said that Senator is in the process of framing the Bill/Reform and working on it.

    Keep going IV and its members, We can do it.... again.


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  • AllVNeedGcPc
    03-22 09:42 PM
    ... I thought all 485s from our times were already pre-adjudicated by now.

    I wonder what is needed now? Has anyone experienced RFE at this juncture? What should I be expecting ?

    @piliriver: 140 approved last month, PD Oct-2004

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  • Milind123
    09-12 05:35 PM
    Thanks IV...way to go.

    Just made a modest contribution of $200.

    Order Details - Sep 12, 2007 11:28 AM PDT
    Google Order #313190031134013

    Not at all modest, I would say it is really nice contribution. Thanks


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  • pankajkakkar
    08-08 02:49 PM
    After reading the op-ed by Pankaj, I had the following questions: Has the SKIL bill already passed the Senate? I know it is included as part of CIR. But, what happens if CIR gets thrown out?

    There are five possibilities, as far as I can think:

    1. The House does absolutely nothing. CIR sits unenforced (it's not law until the House passes an identical bill). We continue to suffer. Highly unlikely, since there is a lot of pressure to do *something*.

    2. The House passes SKIL by itself. In this case, the Senate will have to revote on SKIL by itself, and then SKIL would be a law by itself. CIR will be irrelevant. We will get what we want. Somewhat likely, if (3) or (4) doesn't happen.

    3. The House and Senate conference to come up with a bill. SKIL is discarded in conference. The House and Senate will have to revote on the bill. CIR will be irrelevant. We will continue to suffer. I think this is somewhat unlikely. If there is a conference, big business with it's deep pockets will have its way. Big business supports SKIL.

    4. The House and Senate conference to come up with a bill. SKIL is included in conference. The House and Senate will have to revote on the bill. CIR will be irrelevant. We will get what we want. I think this is the most likely possibility, although timing is very uncertain (it may not happen until spring of next year).

    5. The House passes CIR identical to the Senate bill. CIR will be law. We will get what we want. Highly unlikely.


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  • fshah
    07-06 07:22 AM
    Dugg, posted comments and e-mailed it to my friends. Thanks.

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  • Libra
    09-11 10:24 AM
    sunderpn, vaccine and amit1234 thank you guys for your contributions. hope you guys can make it to rally.

    06-10 05:57 PM
    Your PD in EB3 for ROW will be back into track in October 2008 as its said in the current visa bulletin dated Jul 2008 for EB3 preference. So once it is back to current in October then the new visa numbers will be alloted. Then you will get your GC. So just wait till October to receive your GC confirmation.
    Good Luck!!!

    Thnk you, Vdlrao, and other members for response to my question. They were very encouraging. I am grateful to have this IV community to provide and seek support.

    06-01 07:46 PM
    Back to the top!

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