Friday, June 24, 2011

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  • munnu77
    03-09 10:39 AM
    indio0617...thank you for the updates...thank u very miuch

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  • raysaikat
    01-08 05:33 PM
    and why, pray, does your esteemed school keep accepting students from these so called "sub-standard" colleges in india? i would say 5-7 years of observed emperical evidence calls for some substantial action on your and your school's part in black-listing these, either:

    1. you are blowing smoke through eveyone's a** here or
    2. the school is greedy for tuition fees - proving an earlier contention made in this thread about it being all about money....

    P.S - i am not from one of these schools so no personal stake!

    For 2. However, it is not really about greed, but necessity.

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  • Lisap
    10-03 04:20 PM
    Last year they "wasted" about 10K visa numbers. It is absolutely up to them. However congress has authorized 140k a year and there are huge backlogs for AOS and CP. So when you put that together, leaving about 10K unapproved is clearly not enforcing congressional mandates. The ombudsman blasted them for this in his report, then we had the VB fiasco. None of this sounds like great management of the benefits. There clearly is room for improvement.
    We (us and our employers) as the recipients of the benefits are complaining about this, and it is perfectly legitimate.
    If any visa numbers are left unused, I definitely think we ought to take up this issue with congressional leaders like Zoe Lofgren. Even just a visa recapture legislation alone would help us tremendously until 2009(about the earliest they might get back to this issue more fully).

    Please forgive me for asking this..... but can someone please explain to me what you mean by wasted visa numbers? How is it even possible with all the backlogs and the caps on categories for uscis not to be able to use all of the visa numbers? I would love for someone to explain this to me! Thank you in advance.

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  • indio0617
    03-09 12:28 PM
    Guys a little confused.

    How does removing the cap from Schedule A, benefit the rest of us?

    Nurses from India, Phi also eat up EB3 numbers beyond their alloted .... My understanding is that they will not compete for any eB3 numbers after this...


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  • santb1975
    06-13 01:42 AM
    will we reach 20k atleast??

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  • camarasa
    07-17 11:39 PM
    Only on PD when the date is current
    Not just priority date, but also receipt date.
    My priority date has been current for a year now, but are they processing it? No, because my receipt date is 08/28/2006 and they are only doing 08/07/2006 now (after going back one month in Texas).


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  • thomachan72
    12-15 01:00 PM
    Dear Friends,

    What about if some of us will go for hunger strike in front of USCIC building? may be the will listen to us then.

    please dont give reds if you dont like it, just ignore it. man I am very frustrated with the situation.


    Excellent idea Michael Chertoff but let us wait till the nest summer:D:D

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  • tinamatthew
    07-23 06:31 PM
    hi fruity..

    we have the same concerns regarding the ds230 approval..

    anyway, i just wanna ask about what you said earlier.. is it true that there are some August scheduled embassy interviews being cancelled? what did those people you know exactly said about this?

    hear from you.. thanx

    It is so sad for those that had the interview in August. How many of your friends were affected?


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  • lazycis
    12-01 02:32 PM
    Do you mean the district court asks cis to compensate candidate??? I have never heard this - wondering!!! Don't think its true!

    If a party wins a case, the court may order a losing party to compensate all expenses associated with the suit. The relevant law is "Equal Access to Justice Act" (EAJA). However, if government changes position and reverses the denial/acts on an application/MTR before court rules in your favor, it's not possible to recover court-related expenses. Court filing fee in federal civil cases is $350 so the bulk of all expenses is usually attorney's fees.

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  • ganguteli
    03-12 03:40 PM
    I consider FOIA is a multifold success. Not only we achieved milestone 1 of $5K, we were successful enough to wake up members to do something after long time. Why do you think the very same members were sleeping? I don't believe IV Core was not doing anything in last few months but members always felt that there is no plan of action from IV. There is nothing worst could happen to us just by disclosing our plan of actions in controlled way like:

    1. <<ABC>> is preparing document for final data information.
    2. <<XYZ>> is evaluating other options how we could retrieve this information.
    3. <<DEF>> is understanding how FOIA works and how long it will take us to get data and what will be the best option to get it earlier.
    4. <<MMM>> is working on funding drive for this.

    There is no reason to hide even this kind of information. But if we do this, members understand what we are doing at high level.

    My 2 cents.

    I agree with you


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  • gondalguru
    07-18 05:16 PM
    Receipt date is not the date when the application reaches the service center. It is infact the date when your application is entered into their internal system which could be several days after the application has reached the service center.

    How sure r u about this?? I think it is the other way around.

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  • diptam
    08-25 10:48 AM
    Finally after about 20 days of verbal bargaining over phone i got the physical form 7001 from my employer at hand and mailed it by Certified USPS mail to the following address ::

    Citizenship and Immigration Services
    Ombudsman Department of Homeland Security
    Attention: Case Problems
    Mail Stop 1225 Washington, D.C. 20528-1225

    Come on folks - its always better being late than never.PM me if you need any details.

    Also please let us know if anyone is sending Form 7001 to Ombudsman or got any reply !



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  • bigboy007
    05-15 12:21 AM
    There was a campaign on wrongful denial in AC21 , there was also letter campaign not sure what happened after that ? It was IV action item too... What was the conclusion ? should we all suffer even if it is a training issue, if they act such nice on letters , then why they act as if there is no form and if AC21 is for real aliens from a real alien world.

    I guess you are now happier than before. You are close to getting your issue resolved.

    No one knows why people who are eligible for AC21 portability are going through this.

    When I discussed this issue at my congresswoman's immigration specialist, he asked me why do you think USCIS is doing this? So - basically no one knows.

    Many people have said that this is a training issue. maybe it is. We don't know

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  • Kodi
    06-04 02:03 PM
    Even under PERM, Atlanta office is backed up. They're still evaluating February applicants its not moving at all. I know its not bad compared to BEC but for some its still bad.


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  • eb3_nepa
    07-14 01:27 PM
    I know some of you must think:

    "What the heck difference is FIVE dollars going to make?????"

    Well $5 x 30,000 = $150,000 I hope people understand that, $150,000 is NOTHING to sneeze at. So people, you dont even need to dig too deep. Just FIVE DOLLARS.

    Less than the cost of a SUBWAY Sandwich LUNCH.

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  • willwin
    04-01 08:55 AM
    Oh yeah...I've read that report. Dude just walk out if u dont like the process. Nobody is stopping u. Do u think things are faster in the country u came from? But when u come to another country u want things to happen like that. Yes 7 years is slow. But if millions keep coming into this country what can the USCIS do? Its clearly an overflow which they cant handle. Before u give a red think twice. Read clearly what one is trying to say. I agree with IV's fight for speedening of the process. But to blame the USCIS and to ask for a change in management is too much. We have NO RIGHTS WHATSOEVER to ask for that.

    Somebody said that you don't deserve a second but I dont mind spending few just to make few things straight here.

    1. We (the EB applicants) did not cross the border overnight. We were interviewed, shortlisted, H1B applicaion processed, approved and at the port of entry, we were welcomed by the officials. We did not sneak through.
    2. Just because corruption prevails in India, it does not mean people can be treated badly here. Corruption in India is none of US business. We are here on business. US want our skills and we need the dollars. Period.
    3. Beyond that, employers here (it could India or China based - but are established organizations here) see a requirement for our skills in future and US government is verifying that through LC and I140 and offering us GC. Now the fact that US immigration is broken is evident enough that this country is not error free. Every country has its own problems.
    4. Let's talk about corruption. Where on earth is there no corruption? Whereever human beings are, there is corruption. 100%. It's here in the USA, its there in Japan, its there in Gulf. Everywhere. I am not saying corruption is good but is inevitable.

    If you say, US thinks that because these guys are from India where corruption is to the core, and these guys have half the facilities (back home) that this country provide and hence deserve a broken immigration system that screws up their life, then my friend, this country is no better than any other country on this earth for being so mean. And, for that reason, if you ask me to get out of this country, I would like to say, humbly, that is none of your problem. If yes, ask every US organization that is trying to exploit the business potential in India to get out from India. When the last US business leaves India, I will leave this country.


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  • karan2004m
    01-05 10:04 PM
    I never came here to study. Have you heard of IIT/REC's in India. I understand there are other colleges/universities in india which your are describing here or u might have studied there but same is true for US as all universities are not A grade. There is a way to tell the fact, not to exaggerate and that too by an indian. if an american say this i can understand that he is ignorant about the facts.

    Anyways all the best for Green Green Card. I can understand the desperation

    He is saying what is the truth. Do you believe that Indian universities are as good as American? If so, why do we come here?

    Listen to what he says about how India is racing ahead despite all the problems with education. I was disgusted with the quotas and poor education in India.

    Learn to deal with the truth whether you are Indian or American!!

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  • freakin_gc
    12-29 03:05 PM
    will someone will please explain my RFE in lay man words

    The labor certification submitted in support of your petition indicates that the minimum education requirement is "bachelor's degree in computer science, compluter Applications, Computer Information Systems, Electrical, Mechanical, Mathematcis, Physics or its foriegn Education Equivalent".It is noted that the beneficiary received a 3 year bachelor's degree in Mathementics.

    However, the term "euivalent" is not defined. Please provide documentary evidence to establish the definition of "equivalent" as it was defined in your labor certification process. Such evidence may include , but is not limited to, a statement from the dol explaining the interpretation of the term as certified, copies of the petioner's recruitment documentation and/or evidence that no U.S. applicant's for the position who posses the same or similar qualification as the beneficiary wer disqualified from selection


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  • immm
    07-24 02:00 PM
    That gives me some hope..My PD is EB3 India Oct 2004...I am filing 485 now..hope I get GC in 2 years from now!!!!
    Haha, me too! My PD is EB3 India mid-march 2002!! And I just filed I-485 thanks to BEC.
    Talk about some people getting just so lucky!!

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