Saturday, June 25, 2011

engine tattoo

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  • p1234
    09-13 07:39 PM
    and which is why people are giving me reds! :D

    I'm going to give you a green!

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  • yogkc
    11-10 12:55 PM
    Jimi thanks for taking the lead.

    Count me as well. I live in LA County - San Fernando Valley

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  • vandanaverdia
    09-10 03:54 PM
    p_aluri... Thank you for your contribution....

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  • tikka
    06-03 03:08 PM
    I understand but i already sent our media drive to 50 different media , i aleady sent multiple faxes , i already sent many many emails but please advise me what more should i do to convince IV core that issues i have mentioned also effect many who are already IV members , i am requesting you to see Text of Webfax is added acoordingly ?

    I have nothing to do with date too. but with many posts on it i still feel there are many many members that get effected

    please check

    thank you


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  • rajenk
    12-14 02:35 PM
    I need something which removes employer dependency with approved i140 until u file 485.

    I hate working at the same employer just becasue my PD is not current. And by the time my PD becomes current, may be employer is not doing good, I am not happy at the job.... and I have to start from PERM again at new employer. Also if employer revokes i140, I loose the PD as well!!

    Hi supers789,

    You don't loose your PD if I-140 is revoked. All you need is an approved I-140. USCIS does honor the PD from a revoked I-140. That is what I have heard from various immigration attorneys. The PD is yours to keep. I think USCIS is generous enough to not push a person out of the queue once you have started your GC and progressed until I-140 approval.

    I agree, I am definitely breathing from the July'07 filing. Otherwise it would be worse for me and my family to be working for my first GC employer. I am on your side for that.

    A general advice don't stress yourself too much about it. It is definitely not good for your health. I use to check the status on my case every single day during my I-140 stage and got stressed out a lot and eventually earned some health problems from which I am slowly recovering. This is just a friendly advice.

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  • ramaonline
    06-16 06:40 PM
    Another paypal contribution on top of the previous amts - just in response to those friendly bumps..

    ID - 8U366744YC025615S


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  • makemygc
    07-06 02:07 PM
    I doubt it, uscis used up 60k visas in one month just to make sure we dont get any ead, why in the world after doing all this nonsense would they accept our applications.

    Well...this is the same argument we gave when we first heard about the July VB rumour in june but no one belived. I hope badluck's lawyer brings us some good luck but this is hard to believe this time.

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  • skillet
    06-26 04:27 PM

    My labor got approved today

    Category: EB2
    PD : Feb 5th, 2007

    Wish you all the best for everyone


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  • singhsa3
    09-11 05:10 PM

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  • Jerrome
    01-10 10:55 AM
    I have been reading all the posts, in my opinion we all came here broadly because of 2 reasons.

    a) Want to earn more money
    We have considered our parents are of Middle Class family and We wanted to be the UPPER Class parents to our childern.

    b) Want to achieve Career Goals.
    We have always considered US is the place where you would find the latest of everything ex. Car, Electronics, Life Style etc.. We wanted to enjoy.

    When time passed these things have got changed in our home country, But at the same time we could not make a decision because of other factors which would influence our Decision.

    In my opinion IF YOU have become a US citizen MENTALLY then you don't think of going back, You have to ask this question to your self. AM i a US Citizen Mentally or Indian Citizen?. If the answer is Yes to US Citizen then having Green card or not having does not matter, you would stick to US and won't think of going back.

    The problem lies with people like me Who could not find a answer to the Question So simply because of following reasons.

    a) Professional Life
    I like to work in US because, i can spend more time with family, i don't have to drive a lot to go to work, i can leave at 6 every day.

    b) Personal Life
    I am afraid because i dont like the family or personal life style here is US. I COULD NOT accustom myself to this life style and i am afraid What if my Kids started behaving like American youngster at his/her 20s and 30s, i am afraid about my 60s.

    c) How much($$$$) do i need to Settle in India.
    when i came to US at first i thought i would go back to india if i have 1 crore, but when time goes by, i came to know that now a days in india people who have 1 Crore are considered as Middle Class, The ultimate reason for me to come here to us is to become UPPER CLASS but the TARGET keeps slipping. Somehow i could not conclude how much i need to go back to INDIA.

    So i am also confused like you guys.


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  • uma001
    05-07 03:50 PM
    I sent an email to Lindsey Graham.

    I received the following reply from him.

    Thank you for taking the time to contact me. I appreciate the opportunity to hear from you.

    Due to the large volume of mail I receive, I regret that I am only able to respond personally to inquiries from South Carolinians.

    As we continue our work in the 111th Congress, I look forward to supporting our troops in the War on Terror, repairing our economy and creating jobs, strengthening Social Security, lowering the tax burden on American families, and making the federal government more accountable and efficient.

    If your correspondence pertains to a scheduling request, please fax your request to (202) 224-3808.


    Lindsey Graham

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  • p1234
    09-13 08:15 PM
    I'm getting red dots now for believing in the right!
    Who cares? Give all the red dots in the world...:D


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  • desi3933
    08-04 03:43 PM
    I'm not getting what's your point. All I am telling this guy and others that I need some statistics and why it is important to me. People who like my point will write them and people who will not like my point but still have the problem will modify the letter accordingly and people who should not care since they are not affected should just ignore this thread and move....

    My best wishes are with you.

    Go ahead and send your letter, that includes line like Being stuck in a green card process keeps us bonded with 1 employer, job type etc.

    Please keep us posted on updates. Thanks! ;)

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  • Winner
    06-11 03:04 PM
    I keep reading we should fight for out rights and all. I am just curious
    where does it say if on is on H1B or F1, he or she has a right to get a GC. GC or citizenship is a privilege, we cant demand it or force someone to give it to us. Its a simple demand and supply situation, there are more visa seekers then there is availability and therefore there is a waiting period. i am not sure why we don't accept the simple fact that there are way too many people from developing country like ours moving to US, and not everyone can be accommodated ASAP. i think US has every right to do what it thinks is best for her, even if we don't agree with that,
    And those who say its discrimination, discrimination is when people from Bihar are beaten up on the streets of mumbai cause they are taking jobs away from marathi manus. Had there been so many techies from around the world taking up jobs in India, we would have seen street lynching.

    You got me all curious now, if you accept the status quo, why are you here in this site as a member? Don't get me wrong, but I'm curious to know what is your objective in becoming a member of IV.


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  • Jimi_Hendrix
    11-16 06:12 PM
    Hi everyone,

    I would like to have a conference call this Sunday between 3pm-3:30 pm. Please tell me if this will work out for you all? Please shoot me an e-mail at with your availability, your phone number and most accessed e-mail account.

    Once everyone confirms I will forward some discussion points for the call.

    I look foward to hearing back from you.



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  • GCwaitforever
    05-24 09:47 PM
    RIR EB3 India
    PD oct 28,2001
    I haven't received 45 day letter yet. My lawyer faxed twice to find out the status but no reply from PBEC. Is there any way to find out the status?Anybody here whose case is pending from 2001.

    Typically they send replies after a month or so. So please be patient and give a month or two. Then you should see some info regarding case status.


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  • h1techSlave
    04-17 10:37 AM
    Thank you Mr. Hammer.

    My question was about H4 + 485 pending? Then what is the status? I have earlier given EAD, but they did not accept that. I am submitting 485 receipt with A#. Let me see how it goes.

    EAD is not a visa status. It is an employment authorization document. Of course they will not accept it in lieu of H-1B.

    What you need to do is show them the receipt of your I-485 application with the A#.

    In my case too he asked me if I was on EAD and I said yes. He said that I should then give him a copy of I-485 receipt. However, since I also maintain H-1B visa, I just gave him that.

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  • maddipati1
    11-21 04:00 PM
    But.. when AOS(485) is denied, won't the underlying 140 and for that matter labor is also denied?

    I think you are wrong ( I just think)

    H1b and AOS are two differnt things and are not coupled. A yearly h1b extension beyond 6 years is given if you have a Labor pending for more than an year or pending 140 more than one year and a 3 year h1b extension is granted if you have an approved 140.

    So the basis of getting a h1b extension or transfer is 140 and not AOS. One may not have even applied for AOS but can get h1 extensions as long as the above conditions are satisfied.

    This is based on what I know. Thats why Attorneys prefer h1b compared to EAd because h1b essentially gives time for you to change jobs/apply for new GC petition in case existing petition has tons of issues etc...

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  • vallabhu
    01-05 02:38 PM
    Looks like it is random, it may also depend on the service where it is applied from, Mine is from vermont, Nov 2003 received the 45 letter, I have another one from Atlanta June 2004 did not receive the 45 day letter.

    04-25 05:18 PM
    Tell me, in any of the bills that came in 2005, PACE, CIR. Dream Act etc., or later, IS there even one mention or a discussion of changing the PD? Let's discuss more on how to bring out more into the open, the issues the H1 visa holders are facing from their small time employers in applying for permanent residence, backlog issues and how redtape is destroying these young men's goals, about lack of visa numbers.

    Why there is even a provision in the last Senate bill, for illegals to SELF petition for GC, if employer doen't apply in 2 years. Let's discuss about a similar provision for H1 visa holders who are legally working here, paying taxes. Let's discuss even more important issue.
    Why should we pay, SS Tax and Medicare if we are temporary workers. Let them START collecting once I-485 is applied.
    This last point will resonate well with all It will be picked up easily; you will see the panic flying in the press, TVs, Senate and what not, when a simple mention of it is made.
    These are the practical things we need to discuss. Not a theoritical PD definition, on which we have no locus standi.

    I agree with this little bit but to implement will be tough. There are people coming into US on h1 and leaving every year from big indian consulting companies. It should be like below.

    1. Priority date should be date when the person enters the country.
    2. The person should have paid taxes consecutively for n years(n=3.4.5...)
    3. This should be applicable only for H1 and not for any other visa categories.

    If the above is not possible, then

    1. Labor substiution should be allowed only for the person who is in US continiously for n years(n=3.4.5...) and paid taxes. With this approach, a new comer cannot get the exisitng labor. Win Win to all.

    05-06 10:17 AM
    I am in a similar boat I got by second 140(EB2) approved this week. How do I know if my date is ported? Acutually I dont care about porting date I just want to find out if my new approved 140 is now referrencing my 485(filed under EB3) filed in July 2007.

    Thanks in advance for help.

    I have always been a passive reader of this post and multiple other similar posts. It helped me a lot and I thought sharing my positive porting experience will help/encourage others. Below are details of my long journey

    1. Initial labor
    a. Filed - July 8 2003 (no masters, no 5 years, Title: Systems Analyst)
    b. Approved - August 31 2006

    2. EB3 I140 (NSC)
    a. Filed - October 11 2006
    b. Approved - April 6 2007

    3. I485 (NSC)
    a. Filed - July 19 2007
    b. RFE - April 2009 (Birth Certificate related for me and Medical related for my wife)

    4. Perm
    a. Same company. By 2011, I was promoted multiple times and currently managing multiple projects. Every H1b that was approved after 2003 clearly showed the growth and the promotion on the job title and salary.
    b. Filed - Feb 9 2011 (Progressive growth within the same company, Title: Project Director)
    c. Approved - Feb 15 2011

    5. EB2 I140 (TSC)
    a. Filed - March 9 2011, Premium Processing
    b. Approved - March 21 2011 (A# and Priority Date retained)

    6. Interfiling
    a. March 24 2011 - Created a SR requesting the process I485 using the new EB2 140
    b. March 29 2011 - Lawyer sent the official Interfile Request
    c. April 5 2011 - Contacted both the senators and congressman. They were very prompt in responding back. Also sent emails to NSCFollowup and EBUpdate.
    d. April 7 2011 - Went for an Infopass Appointment (Useless in my opinion)
    e. April 14 2011 - Got the magic email at 9:15pm for both me and my wife. One of the happiest days in my life.
    f. Waiting on the physical cards to take a long break :)

    Wish the very best to everyone else waiting on the GC line.

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