Monday, June 27, 2011

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  • Blog Feeds
    09-11 12:00 PM
    Sorry, that revelation just made my head explode. The "You Lie!" Congressman claims to have been an immigration lawyer before going to Congress. I'm working on whether that is true or has the same truthiness as the illegal aliens in the health care bill myth.

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  • leenakamat
    07-07 04:28 PM
    Hi Sukhpreet, are you sure the actual petition was filed and denied, or just the labor condition application (LCA) was denied? The LCA is one component of the H-1B petition; it requires a valid FEIN number, and it needs to be certified in order for the H-1B petition to be filed. Most likely, this is what has been denied because the DOL could not find/match the number. The lawyer can just refile the LCA with the appropriate IRS documentation, and it should be certified within a week. The H-1B petition can then be filed with the certified LCA.

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  • ysramu
    03-05 07:42 PM
    My wife's EAD expires 10/10/08, she is currently on H4 but we filed last july and got our EAD/AP. I am planning to send her to india in May and she'll be back in November around 4th (AP expires Nov 19th).

    Please help me with info on these questions?

    1. Does she have to be in USA to apply for EAD renewal?
    2. Can she apply for EAD renewal in May (5 months in advance), I know AP cant be applied before 4 months but dont know about this EAD.
    3. Or Can EAD be applied after it expires also, if yes till howlong after it expires?
    4. Also she'll come back on 4th Nov and applies for AP immediately, is this OK if she applies before expiry date of Nov 19th but doesn't get the approval? (I know that she cant travel until she has a visa in passport or AP again)

    Thank you guys in advance.

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  • monu19_75
    06-16 11:42 PM
    Thank you for your time and I appreciate your effort.

    I have two Approved I-140s (both filed by same company).
    � Filed I-140 & I-485 concurrently with a PD of Nov 2007 (Original Labor) - I-140 Approved and I-485 Pending
    � Filed I-140 with PD March 2005 (Substitution Labor) - I-140 Approved.

    1. I would greatly appreciate if you can let me know what are my options and any relative information (Letter formats etc.)
    2. Can Info-Pass work instead of writing to USCIS?


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  • panky72
    06-16 01:08 AM
    I am currently working for my employer on EAD. Can I work for another company and at the same time keep my current job on EAD?

    Please help!


    It should be fine. You can work on multiple jobs on EAD.

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  • Dr. Barry Post
    03-31 10:56 PM


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  • gina_raluca
    03-16 03:17 PM
    There has been an error in the processing of my I-130 petition for my mother. It was approved and now I am being asked to submit form I-485 or form I-824. The problem is that my mother is not and has never been to the US. I called CIS and talked to a representative about the error. She said she would send a letter to the CIS about it and that I should hear back from CIS in 5 days. I am just wondering if this timeline is realistic or I should expect it to take more time. Should I contact my senator and ask for assistance in facilitating this process? Would hiring a lawyer expedite this process? I know that the petition should then go to the NVC. Would a lawyer help?
    Thank you very much.

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  • lecter
    April 18th, 2008, 03:34 AM
    Was with a bunch of D3 users!!
    Nice machine. They were taking images long after the 1Ds and 1D "3"s gave up in the light....
    Will be interesting to see how they deal with the noise.


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  • camarasa
    07-10 02:15 PM
    :confused: I couldn't log on for 5 minutes and then when I finally did - most of the latest posts have dissapeared?

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  • jackzowie
    08-31 09:46 PM
    Thank you for reading this thread.
    I applied for green card via national interest waiver category, and I decided to obtain green card through consular processing. To be eligible to get the immigrant visa in my home country, I showed consulate an offer letter from a U.S. company.

    My question is , do I really have to work on that job after I enter U.S. ? Because I am not very interested in that position. And I am thinking about studying for an MBA, instead of working.
    I was given a temporary green card when I entered the custom. It usually takes 2 month to get the official green card. But if I reject that offer , would my green card be revoked ?



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  • simple1
    05-14 06:40 PM

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  • mihird
    01-05 12:37 AM

    Interesting article....but no direct talk of H1-B or skilled worker immigration reforms etc.

    The author of this article is Chris Isidore...I tried looking at the CNN site if there was a way of reaching him by email...but couldn't find any..

    If we could get to him, maybe he would be willing to write a part 2 to this article highlighting the broken skilled worker immigration system..


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  • asdfred
    06-09 09:02 AM
    EAD is for job
    AP is for reentering US
    Pending 485 is status in US

    So, if she is not planning to work - then no need to apply for EAD

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  • desi3933
    08-26 05:01 PM
    I got my H1 approved in Oct 2004 and it was from Oct 2004 - Oct 2007. I used only 6 months of H1 and later went on TN (work visa for Canadian citizens) and remained in US working on TN for 4 years. I was in US all these years. Now even the earlier H1 approval duration is over, Can I apply for H1 with another employer using the old 2004 H1 quota cap or it has to be under new 2009 cap? Thanks in advance.

    Your H1 is NOT subject to cap as you had H1 in last 6 years.

    Not a legal advise.


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  • Macaca
    07-22 05:49 PM
    Senate Comity Slips Away ( By Emily Pierce and Erin P. Billings, ROLL CALL STAFF, July 19, 2007

    Though tensions between Democrats and Republicans have been festering since the beginning of the 110th Congress, this week�s Senate debate on the Iraq War has pushed the chamber to a new level of partisan acrimony, where even the most seasoned and collegial of Senate elders have abandoned traditional acts of decorum.

    �The Senate is spiraling into the ground to a degree that I have never seen before, and I�ve been here a long time,� Minority Whip Trent Lott (R-Miss.) said. �All modicum of courtesy has gone out the window.�

    That statement came after a highly charged, all-night debate on a Democratic amendment to refocus the U.S. mission in Iraq and complete a troop drawdown by April 30, 2008. The amendment failed, 52-47, to get the 60 votes necessary to overcome a filibuster, and Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) cited the Republicans� �obstructionist� tactics in his decision to scrap the entire debate on the Defense Department authorization bill.

    Reid�s insistence not only on having repeated votes this year on pulling out of Iraq but also on having the overnight session contributed to the explosion of partisan tensions, some Senators said.

    �I do think 36 hours with no sleep and the orchestration of a repeat debate of what we just got through two months ago weighed heavily on everybody,� Sen. Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.) said. �It was what it was, but there�s a lot of frustration. It�s a good time for a four-week break.�

    Senate Republicans said the clearest evidence that the chamber�s traditional comity has evaporated is in Reid�s repeated decisions to prohibit GOP Senators from giving short speeches when they object to his unanimous consent requests. Reid first began using the tactic against a handful of GOP conservatives during last month�s bitterly fought immigration reform debate.

    Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), the most recent victim of that tactic, gave an indignant speech on the floor Wednesday to protest what he said was Reid�s lack of respect for fellow Senators.

    Though Specter acknowledged that Senate rules do not afford lawmakers the right to give speeches following unanimous consent requests, the veteran Pennsylvania moderate said, �It has been common practice in this body to allow a Senator who reserves the right to object to make a statement as to why the objection is being lodged.�

    Specter went on to ominously state that Reid�s insistence on the rules could come back to haunt him.

    �Those practices I think are not only rude, but dictatorial,� he said. �And if those technical rules are applied � and any one of us can do it � this body will cease to function.�

    Republican sources said that beyond Specter, both Lott and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.) were taken aback this week when they were denied recognition typically afforded the minority. Lott and Specter � Senators who often work with Reid and Democrats on the floor and on legislation � were particularly incensed with what they viewed as Reid�s disregard of Senate decorum and protocol.

    Specter said that Lott declined Reid�s offer to publicly apologize.

    One senior Republican aide said Reid � by refusing to allow GOP Senators the opportunity to answer him when addressed � sent a clear signal to the minority of, �To heck with you, your views don�t matter.�

    �Not only is violating common courtesy unlike him, it�s not conducive to running the Senate in an effective manner,� the aide said of Reid.

    Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), who led the GOP debate on the Defense measure, said what occurred over the course of the past two days � and the past two weeks � demonstrated that the �climate here is very bad� and is �part of the whole environment� of the Senate these days. The Iraq War is just one factor contributing to the heightened partisanship in the chamber, McCain added.

    But it isn�t just Republicans who are complaining about the breakdown of the chamber�s otherwise civil atmosphere. Senate Democrats countered that they also have been on the receiving end of what they consider ungracious behavior by their GOP colleagues.

    In what appeared to be a slap at Democrats on Wednesday, McConnell turned his back on Reid and the Democratic side of the chamber while speaking about the Democratic amendment to refocus the U.S. mission in Iraq.

    McConnell spokesman Don Stewart said the Minority Leader was simply addressing his fellow Republicans as he often does when many are gathered in the chamber. More than 70 Senators � roughly half Republicans, half Democrats � were present for the post-vote debate.

    But Senate Democrats have said repeatedly that they are being forced to use heavy-handed tactics because the minority refuses to adhere to the traditional courtesy of allowing the Majority Leader to conduct the bulk of the Senate�s business without first having to file procedural motions to limit debate. Republicans have objected to a little more than half of Reid�s requests to begin debate on both controversial and bipartisan bills, resulting in Reid having to file time-consuming cloture motions to cut off prospective filibusters.

    �Who�s been asking for these cloture votes?� asked an exasperated Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.). �Republicans.�

    McConnell has �lost control of his caucus on this matter,� Durbin said of what he believes is McConnell�s inability to convince conservatives in the Republican Conference to pick their battles.

    Reid spokesman Jim Manley declined to comment specifically on why Reid has been prohibiting GOP Senators from making short objection speeches, but he indicated that Democrats need to fight back against the GOP�s blocking strategy.

    �It�s become pretty evident in recent weeks that there�s been a decision by the Republican leadership to block the Senate from doing all but the most routine and noncontroversial legislation,� Manley said.

    Meanwhile, debate on the Defense bill has stopped for the time being, with Reid saying he would bring it back up once it is possible to �pass a Defense authorization bill, but with a deadline dealing with Iraq.�

    For the moment, Democrats have been able to put a lock on the Republicans� procedural objections by bringing up a higher education reconciliation bill that is privileged under the rules and cannot be filibustered. But that measure was taken up only after Republicans blocked Reid from quickly beginning debate on a Homeland Security spending bill.

    Reid has tasked Durbin with negotiating a deal with Lott, McCain and Armed Services Chairman Carl Levin (D-Mich.) on how to resume consideration of the Defense measure.

    However, McCain questioned whether the DOD bill would rear its head again in the next two weeks: �Without a certain level of cooperation it�s almost impossible. It will be difficult to make it out in time, make it out by August. And the fiscal year ends the first of October.�

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  • wishdutt
    07-11 10:26 AM
    My friend just forwarded me this link and it shows 1-jun-2006 priority date for EB2. For EB3 it still shows Unavailable. However US State website still shows old dates.

    If this is not a mistake, then its a very good news.


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  • ashrock11
    07-31 09:32 PM
    New filing fees were applicable from 7/30. Do all applications(485/131/765) whose PD is current need to filed with the new fees starting from 7/30? Or till 8/17 it can be filed with the old fees?


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  • easygoer
    01-13 03:15 PM
    Thank you 'frommaija' for quick answer. I heard some wrong cases recently and wanted to make sure. Apreciate this.

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  • Blog Feeds
    08-14 10:50 PM
    Paying to beef up the border with Mexico by charging exhorbitant fees to Indian staffing companies complying with H-1B laws is probably a violation of the General Agreement on Trade in Services, an agreement that is vital to ensuring US companies are able to employ many of the 6,000,000 Americans working around the world. Senator Schumer's insinuation that staffing companies are engaging in something that wreaks of fraud is not only tantamount to slander, but it also ignors the fact that the staffing industry is a $61 billion sector of the US economy and there are now more than 14,000...

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    07-09 03:27 PM
    There is no change really for Advance Parole applicants.
    The form 131 is used for more than just AP applicants, its used for refugees and re-entry permits too.

    Read this from page 2 of that memo.

    Q. Do the revised Form I-131 instructions require advance parole applicants to complete biometrics?
    A. Applicants for advance parole are not required to submit biometrics at this time. An applicant for advance parole must continue to submit two identical color photographs of the applicant taken within 30 days of the filing of the Form I-131 application.

    04-22 12:04 PM
    There was a thread couple of days back asking members to contact their attorneys to answer IV member questions. I have contacted and few of them are willing to answer the questions on IV. Can some one point me to that thread..

    Also they want to know how the whole system works.

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