Tuesday, June 28, 2011

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  • Macaca
    07-31 05:23 PM
    It's Time to End Or Reduce The Cloture Clog (http://rollcall.com/issues/53_15/guest/19599-1.html) By Robert Weiner and John Larmett, July 31 2007

    Robert Weiner, president of Robert Weiner Associates Public Affairs, worked for 16 years in the House of Representatives and for six years in the Clinton White House. John Larmett, senior policy analyst at Robert Weiner Associates, was legislative assistant/press secretary to Rep. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.) and former Sen. Gaylord Nelson (D-Wis.).

    The Senate's cloture rule defeats democracy. It lets public servants hide and obfuscate behind a parliamentary quirk never intended by the framers of the Constitution. It's time to end or significantly change the cloture rule, as was last done in 1975, and move to a true democracy so that the House and Senate equally represent the American people.

    There are checks and balances, the only ones the Founding Fathers stated and intended: a presidential veto, which Congress can override with two-thirds, the only supermajority specified in the Constitution; the courts; and elections. No one ever foresaw parliamentary sleight of hand as a block of the will of the majority. If Congress wants to restore Americans' confidence in its work from the current all-time lows, it needs to allow the system to work as common sense, the Constitution and the framers dictate.

    During the April-May 2005 "crisis" on judicial nominations, the "Gang of 14," seven Democratic and seven Republican Senators, agreed to oppose the constitutional or "nuclear" option and to oppose filibusters of judicial nominations except in "extraordinary circumstances." However, the Senate has failed to cut off debate on other issues 57 times since then, making clear that the system has failed.

    Democrats are right to scream Republican "obstructionism," but Republicans, when they were in the majority, also were right to scream Democratic obstructionism. Both sides use and abuse the rule when they are in the minority to create some supermajority fantasy the public will not understand - and then blame the other side for not getting a legislative agenda accomplished.

    In last year's campaigns, House Democrats promised to change the way Congress does business - and do it within the first 100 hours they were in session. With a majority of 30-60 votes, but no supermajority requirement, the House passed its entire agenda. Despite majority support, hindered by the supermajority "cloture," the Senate has struggled all year just to pass a few bills. The American people get the feeling the Senate is a train that never quite leaves the station.

    The slow train continued July 17-18 when Republicans scuttled a Democratic proposal ordering troop withdrawals from Iraq in a showdown capping an all-night debate. The 52-47 vote fell short of the 60 votes needed to invoke cloture, the 27th time this year alone that body has been unable to proceed on significant pieces of legislation. In the previous Congress (controlled by Republicans), Democrats were successful 34 times in blocking Republican legislation. Cloture has become the third rail of Congressional politics. It's time for the train to move on a different track.

    Everyone has been properly complaining about obstructionism, but no one has said anything about changing the Senate rule on cloture. Since Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is talking about changing Senate rules to make it easier to restrict amendments on the floor, then why shouldn't the Senate also start the discussion about changing the cloture rule right now? It could be the difference in getting bills passed.

    In early July, the minority's decision to filibuster the amendment by Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.), which stated that men and women serving in the military deserved the same amount of time at home that they served overseas, died on a 56-41 failed cloture vote - a majority supporting it but the media saying it "failed."

    In 1975, the Senate reduced the number of votes required for cloture from two-thirds to three-fifths, and it should change it again. If not an end outright, the best approach to guarantee the will of the majority, why not at least drop the requirement to 55 votes - necessitating just a little bit of extra consensus to end debate. Let the will of the American people, and of a majority of the Senate itself, be acted upon.

    It's time to end the cloture clog, regardless of who's in charge.

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  • pradhyumnakansara
    03-31 02:01 PM
    Respected Sir
    This is to humbly request you to guide me.

    I did AMIE in Computer Engg., from India and thereafter I underwent WES evaluation. It clearly stated that its equivalent to US Bachelors. On the same basis, I did my MBA from University of New Haven, CT USA. Now as I wan to file my H1B on the basis of my AMIE qualifiactions, what would be your wise advice?

    energy saving logo. Energy-Efficient Home
  • Energy-Efficient Home

  • excogitator
    10-20 06:38 AM

    Yesss. We all know who the first man on the moon was.
    Did you ever know the Alien who reached there first though.
    It was meeee!! :te:

    I learnt to speak English on the World Wide Web

    2011 1)12v 5w energy saving lamps energy saving logo. Green Butterfly Award Scheme
  • Green Butterfly Award Scheme

  • friend99
    10-06 09:39 PM

    My Spouse Application was rejected due to incorrect fee though the USCIS were accepting application with old fee till august 17th! It was filed on August3rd! and it was with old fee! Will it be accepted if we send a letter that the fee was right the first time!

    Has anybody's both primary and spouse applications got the receipts with old FEES and had applied in AUGUST, Pls reply asap as my spouse application rejected and we had applied on august 3rd!


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  • chantu
    11-14 04:42 PM
    No other fees. If you go to VFS site, everything is written there clearly.

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  • Under the Energy Saving

  • saravanaraj.sathya
    07-30 03:32 PM
    You will be able to move to a different employer with better job with better pay. If you are happy with ur current job still it cant proect you if ur current employer gors out of business and fires you.

    What are the benefits? Please explain.


    energy saving logo. Energy Saving Trust
  • Energy Saving Trust

  • sertasheep
    03-23 08:32 PM
    We will stop accepting questions for the attorney call scheduled for April 1st. At this time, we have reachd the "cap" of ~20 questions for the next conf. call scheduled for the April 1st 2007. Members who have sent in their questions will be assigned Please await more details on the time.

    To ensure that questions are "current" and don't get "backlogged", please send in your next set of questions only on or after March 31st.

    2010 Energy-Efficient Home energy saving logo. Energy Efficiency
  • Energy Efficiency

  • zephyrus
    12-01 05:19 PM

    Any thoughts/analysis on what this means to our situation?



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  • pmat
    01-24 12:15 PM
    The category (EB2/EB3) doesn't get transferred. Only the PD can be transferred. So, you will get the old PD for EB3.

    hair Green Butterfly Award Scheme energy saving logo. more energy efficient than
  • more energy efficient than

  • MatsP
    January 25th, 2006, 09:09 AM
    Try taking the main battery AND the "clock" battery out. Leave them out for at least 15 minutes [longer is fine]. Then re-insert clock battery and then main battery.

    Check that there's no buttons being stuck in.


    L1 to Green card [Archive] - Immigration Voice

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  • munnu77
    04-04 11:46 AM
    Any comments abt the dates?

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  • pooja_34
    10-31 10:29 AM
    Biometrics are not required for AP. You can paper file or efile - it is the same in the case of AP.

    My wife paper-filed her EAD and didn't have to do Biometrics.
    Will she have to do her Biometrics when she paper-files or e-files her AP?

    Anybody has any experience ?


    house the Energy Saving Process energy saving logo. Dimmable Energy Saving
  • Dimmable Energy Saving

  • vijayendrak
    10-17 10:40 AM
    I am going on an international travel on job for 1 month during my OPT period. My OPT started in Jul 3rd 07 and I am planning to travel in the month of jan 08.

    What are the documents that I need to procure for making my trip possible. Also, if someone could comapare this situation with international travel in H1 status it will be great help.



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  • the energy-efficiency of

  • keaby
    03-05 04:36 PM
    Can someone inform if the pre tax Health Insurace premiums deducted in pay roll are computed towards meeting the LCA wage.
    This deduction is not visible in W2 earnings..


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  • out for the Energy Saving

  • raama123
    03-03 01:45 PM
    My son age next year 18,I am on H1b,does he dependent still?
    could you please clarify the children age for dependent.
    thanks, Ram:

    dresses Conserve Energy Conservation energy saving logo. ENERGY SAVING LAMPS

  • bupthmt
    08-06 04:05 PM
    Hi everyone,

    I have come to this form for help of one thing: for a long time I know that when switching jobs using ac21 you need to make sure that the job code is same and job description is similar, i know from my approved 140&perm that mine is 15-1032 (computer engineer),

    the job description of both company are 90% same.

    But they know nothing about the job code and ask me what is this code and where this is used . Can somebody help me with this?

    btw, my old job title is computer engineer, my new title is manager of computer system engineer. is that a problem ? if yes , if I asked them to demote that to computer system engineer leader, is it better?

    thanks a lot in advance.


    makeup Energy Saving Center energy saving logo. the Energy Saving Process
  • the Energy Saving Process

  • Openarms
    05-08 05:20 PM
    Wake Up EB3 and EB2 CHINA - mainland born,INDIA,MEXICO,PHILIPPINES folks to gather and fight for freedom... The above mentioned folks are the one who are suffering from this retrogression since 2005 no body helped us so far....

    girlfriend the energy-efficiency of energy saving logo. Green Logo
  • Green Logo

  • anagavel
    02-24 06:32 AM
    Hello Everyone,

    I have filed my H1B in 2008 & the status is still pending. So can I apply for another H1B in 2009?

    Please Help me in this regard by giving your valuable inputs!

    hairstyles energy efficiency energy saving logo. All Energy Saving Trust
  • All Energy Saving Trust

  • Rishi123
    07-31 09:38 PM
    I filed in EB2 catagory through company A ( small size company )based on future employment
    PD- Sep/04.
    I-140- Pending.

    I am currently working with company B ( Multinational ). My current status is 5th yr H1B ending in Oct 07..Current employer ( Company B ) has finally approved to file PERM labor..

    I am struggling to decide if I should file I-485 with company A awail the current dates and at the same time continue to file PERM in next couple of months with company B..

    Would it creat any legel wrangling later on?

    I am already in my 5 th yr of h1B with company B and there is no guaranteed job opportunity with company A..

    Appreciate if any one in the forum could help resolve my situation.

    Thanks in advance

    August 12th, 2005, 03:50 PM
    Depicting "despair" using a photo and nothing else is tough. A final in one of my photoshop classes was to make a TIME magazine cover that depicted either "despair" or "hope". It was a lot harder to do that we all originally thought.

    This comes close but it could also be construed as sadness, anger, weariness, pain, etc.

    As I said, that's a very tough emotion to depict in a photo without any supporting text.

    By the way, I like the photo.

    bending/twisting [Archive] - kirupaForum

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    09-19 11:41 PM
    you mean you guys stopped tracking?

    I was checking in on the IV boards whilst in DC and didn't see much change in activity on the tracking threads!:cool:

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