Friday, June 24, 2011

statement of retained earnings

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  • villamonte6100
    04-02 02:35 PM
    That is right. People can express their opinions. No name calling and rough language.

    Thank you.

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  • Retained earning is the

  • cinqsit
    12-10 03:55 PM
    Yes the bulletin is pretty detailed. Explaining logic behind per country limit and movement of cutoff dates. Certainly a first in a Visa Bulletin.

    Needless to say, CIR with provisions to address this backlog is the only hope for both i REITERATE - BOTH EB2 as well as EB3... divisiveness will certainly lead to failure or atleast a never ending wait for some of us....


    statement of retained earnings. Calculating retained earnings
  • Calculating retained earnings

  • dhesha
    02-25 05:14 PM
    Yes and then they should process in LIFO order so people like you can get their GCs :p :rolleyes:

    What do you mean they should???? Are they not already doing so?

    2011 Retained earning is the statement of retained earnings. Statement of retained
  • Statement of retained

  • maverick_s39
    09-15 04:18 PM
    gctest, personally I don't see any issue with eb3 to eb2 porting, look at the porting opportunity from eb3 applicant's point of view, these applicants are waiting since 2001 for GCs but EB2 applicant with PDs 2005 are getting GCs, eb3 to eb2 porting is a way for them to jump ahead of 2006 eb2 filers and get their GCs, I don't see anything wrong with it, sure it causes 2003/04 eb2 filers (very few I guess) to wait a little longer but every law has a loophole and we just have to live with it,

    How many eb2 filers are really qualified for eb2 labors? I see lot of consulting firms abusing eb2 labors and lot of people who are playing the game fair are left behind, I feel porting labor is a way to level the playing field, also people who filed eb3 labors in 2001, 2002 are qualified for 2005 eb2 labor anyway, just think these applicants file eb2 labor in 2005, as you said if they are not eligible they will be denied to use the opportunity and its OK if you wait a little longer


    statement of retained earnings. of Retained Earnings
  • of Retained Earnings

  • pappu
    08-01 05:10 PM
    would really like to reflect my thoughts, experience & opinion in writing, but please do note: i don`t have a journalisim background.
    Thanks for the help. Journalism background is not really needed. All we need is some good writing skills to make the article impactful.

    statement of retained earnings. and Retained Earnings
  • and Retained Earnings

  • guy03062
    03-15 07:52 AM
    03/15/2006: Possible Full Senate Debate Mark-Up Beginning From March 20, 2006

    An unconfirmed sources of information has just released a report that the Sen. Bill Frist, Majority Leader is pushing a two-week full Senate floor debate beginning from March 20, 2006 rather than March 27, 2006. This report is indirectly supported by another news that the Senate Judiciary Committee is pressed to extend their additional mark-up on Friday, March 17 to finish up the Committee action before the end of the week.

    03/15/2006: Senate Judiciary Committee Update: Additional Mark-Up Friday, 03/17/2006

    Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to pickup the Sen. Specter's Mark of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform bills today. Initially it was scheduled for two days, March 15 and March 16, but the AILA has just obtained the information that the Committee has tentatively extended the mark-up on March 17, Friday as well in order to finish up this business within this week. As we reported earlier, the Committee has been working on a tight schedule because of the pressure from Senator Frist, the Majority Leader of the Senate to start debate on the Comprehensive Immigration Reform in the Senate beginning from March 27, 2006.
    Now is the time for everyone to pickup the phone or send emails to the Senate Judiciary Committee members to urge them to support the bills. Otherwise it will be too late.



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  • hair Consolidated income statement: statement of retained earnings. reduce

  • Macaca
    09-14 06:38 PM
    Immigration vote sinks H-1B visa deal ( Collapse of Senate bill derails tech's bid for more foreigners ByTom Abate ( | Chronicle Staff Writer, June 30, 2007
    VISA PLAN ANGERS SILICON VALLEY ( Immigration bill would limit employers' choice of workers By Carolyn Lochhead ( | Chronicle Washington Bureau, June 7, 2007

    2010 Calculating retained earnings statement of retained earnings. Retained Earning Account
  • Retained Earning Account

  • wandmaker
    05-24 06:13 PM


    statement of retained earnings. The financial statement
  • The financial statement

  • la6470
    03-07 12:44 PM
    Everyone feel like giving up but none of us give up :)

    I think all of us gave up - i.e gave up on our home country when we decided to settle here- there is nothing more to give up .. we are all just waiting passively for whatever destiny (USCIS and the economoy) has to hand it to us........... there is nothing to give up because nothing was yours from the beginning and nothing you will take with you when it is time to go.

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  • of retained earnings

  • psaxena
    06-11 03:29 PM
    hey gc_on_demand,
    dun get him out of his day dream dude, he already lost all his investments in stocks and now you are asking he $25... come on if he wakes up he will be back in depression... and then where will I get the masala on IV for timepass. My server is really slow.. when its processing I need something to kill time.;)

    and u don't have 25 USD for IV ???


    statement of retained earnings. statement of retained earning
  • statement of retained earning

  • JazzByTheBay
    09-10 09:01 PM
    Then there's no point in being a member of IV.

    When we've come together in an organized fashion, things have happened - although not as frequently and not to the exact extent that we've wanted.

    If you believe nothing will change - perhaps it's time to move on and stop logging on to IV forums and worrying yourself silly about this.

    If inaction and giving up is part of your nature, there's little help outside of therapy - no offense meant.

    If we can continue to organize and keep working towards the goals, perhaps some headway can be made. Those who spearheaded such efforts knew it wasn't a sprint to the finish.

    Question much pushing would be needed when v very well know that whatever noise v make is never to be heard ???

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  • when the retained earnings

  • sj2273
    06-11 07:05 PM
    Dear Nitinboston,
    I am in 100% agreement with you on the notion that Congress probably doesnt care about people who are not voters/citizens etc. But let me quote you an example from history. I am making an extra effort to be optimistic here, but in saying that, nothing can be done will not lead us anywhere either. If we try, then we can atleast go to bed in peace thinking we tried! Here is the example though:

    Blacks in this country did not have any voting rights before 1965. In order to be a registered voter they had be recommended by a white person and go through an exam. they practically had no rights. no status. nothing! I am talking about Alabama in early 50s when blacks were not even allowed to board buses from the front door. The bus driver had the right to pull out a gun if a black person did not give up his/her seat. Rosa parks ignited the Montogomery bus boycott in 1955 December and that lasted for more than a year. The result was that blacks came together and held together persistently till people in higher ranks noticed it. It wasnt easy, black leaders were bombed, harrassed and threatened for doing so. In 1964 the civil rights act came about and 1965 voters right act. And today we have a black president. Unbelievable transition from a time when even the drinking water fountains were seperate for whites and blacks.

    This is just an example but what I am really trying to get to is that the Government today is much different than it was several years ago. If they could make the congress hear at that time, why cant we.

    It wouldnt be wrong to say that this country still is the most tolerant country in the world. Compare this to Australia or New Zealand or Canada.

    People in the government will listen if the cause is right. Its just a matter of making enough noise in a decent manner that people hear.

    Thats all I have to say! I hope we can take you in the stride of our optimism. You will make a terrific addition to our optimistic force!

    Thank you for reading my post.


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  • Consolidated Income Statement

  • ganguteli
    03-12 03:40 PM
    I consider FOIA is a multifold success. Not only we achieved milestone 1 of $5K, we were successful enough to wake up members to do something after long time. Why do you think the very same members were sleeping? I don't believe IV Core was not doing anything in last few months but members always felt that there is no plan of action from IV. There is nothing worst could happen to us just by disclosing our plan of actions in controlled way like:

    1. <<ABC>> is preparing document for final data information.
    2. <<XYZ>> is evaluating other options how we could retrieve this information.
    3. <<DEF>> is understanding how FOIA works and how long it will take us to get data and what will be the best option to get it earlier.
    4. <<MMM>> is working on funding drive for this.

    There is no reason to hide even this kind of information. But if we do this, members understand what we are doing at high level.

    My 2 cents.

    I agree with you

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  • of Retained Earnings

  • makemygc
    07-06 01:01 PM
    My lawyer told me that they are working on something to accept all applications which reached on july ... lets hope he is right.

    Dude enough of your and your lawyer's crap. I just checked your last post. This is what you claim your lawyer said and this was posted couple of days back.


    I called my lawyer he said the are accepting applications which reached there before 12:15. does anybody have news like that or he just lying....


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  • images house retained earnings and statement of retained earnings.

  • AllVNeedGcPc
    04-11 10:29 PM
    ...nothing yet.

    Did anyone else get any update?

    @AllVNeedGCPC : Did you get any updates on your I-485 ?



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  • credit Retained Earnings

  • snathan
    08-23 11:24 AM
    At the end of the day what matters is you have an option open via this route. It is your personal choice if you would rather wait here 10 years or work in your home country for 1 year. Why shut a door that's meant for you? Opportunity is very hard to come by

    Not everyone has the luxury to go to home country to work for one year. Its like telling the Eb3 person to port to EB2. Do you accept that. There are so many issues need to be factored in. So lets not get into something which is not fair or not possible for every one. They system is f*&ked up. thats the fact. When the system is not fair, we fight to fix and not finding the loopholes.


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  • of retained earnings

  • manugee
    09-10 03:07 PM
    I meant to say next tuesday. Though I'm still trying to adjust my plans...

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  • statement of retained earnings. Statement of Retained Earnings

  • beppenyc
    03-16 10:15 AM
    Frist Sets Date for Immigration Debate

    ( - Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said he will bring an immigration reform bill to the Senate floor later this month, something that will force debate on a guest worker program supported by some Republicans but opposed by others. The Judiciary Committee hasn't completed work on what it calls a "very complicated" bill: Critics oppose any moves to give temporary workers amnesty. The House passed an immigration bill last year that does not address the guest worker issue. Read News on the Web

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  • chanduv23
    11-20 04:36 PM
    H1B petition can be revoked automatically if a) employer notifies USCIS that the petition is withdrawn or b) employer goes out of business. See 8 CFR 214.2.(b)(11). So yes, EAD is much safer in this regard. Revoked H1B petition cannot be used for transfer/extension. It's nice to have H1B as a fallback, but it's not a safe heaven.
    Here is an interesting article regarding H1B and employer's obligation to notify the USCIS if employment ends.

    Which means that EAD is much safer than H1b. Then why are Attorneys insisting on the opposite (H1b against EAD?)

    If this is confirmed news, i will revisit my blog and make changes

    08-02 04:53 PM
    i am a 2nd july filer, my cheques were cashed today. filed at nebraska


    Where did ur 140 approved....NSC or TSC

    03-04 11:46 AM
    What is your rate and who is your lender?

    In my case; I was offered a refinancing rate that was 0.5% more than what I would pay if I were a GC holder. The reasoning is the short term validity of H1. Ironically I wasn't discriminated 3 years ago when I bought my house. At that time; I even didn't have my labor cert cleared. Now 3 years down the line; I have cleared first 2 stages and applied to I-485; bank charges me more :) Weird!!!!

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