Sunday, June 26, 2011

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  • xtetic
    09-10 01:19 PM
    Through paypal
    Item #Contributions 1 $100.00 USD

    I urge everyone to show their support in every little way possible. Kudos to all the members that are helping in organizing this rally, and to everyone who are going to attend it!


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  • Jaime
    09-12 03:12 PM

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  • tnite
    07-19 10:27 AM
    I was kind of oblivious and busy in my work since I applied labor �and was thinking everything will fall in place gradually..
    I registered to this site today and just read this forum.. ..and �..simply freaking out �
    My attorney applied my Labor in Nov 2006 (according to him) in Atlanta and I still don�t have any response �no audit �.nothing �.it is just in process�can u believe it?
    � can I do something from my end �
    I hope 140 and 485 is still not in retrogression state �. Do u guys know how long it will continue to be in this state�

    You can ask your lawyer to send an email. I have read some cases in IV where after 90 days if the lawyer/employer sends ane email they respond with the status . why dont you try that?

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  • mirage
    08-04 03:23 PM
    I never give any red or green dot to anybody nor do I care what I have. As, you said what you felt was right, other users did the same to you...

    I got red dots, just because I raised my concerns against factual errors in the letter. I have never mentioned that I am against sending letters. Just that emotional outburst is not going to help EB-3 India applicants.

    Good Luck and I hope everyone gets GC soon.

    US Permanent Resident since 2002


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  • billu
    08-24 10:21 PM
    i had put up the previous two posts on this page asking about relief for Schedule A professionals in 2008......time has passed by but nothing has sight of any relief or any schedule A bill........missed the july 2007 fiasco due to employer insisting on 40 day cool off period........have been in US for 6 sign of EB3 india being even close to Oct 2007 (my PD)........employer has refused to file EB2 point other employer ready for EB2........spouse on h4 visa since oct. 2006......have lost all hope and just going through the there light at the end of tunnel???

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  • inspectorfox
    09-25 10:11 PM
    No extension yet... DL expires on Friday. I will have to figure out how to go to work, take care of my family without driving the car.


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  • Caroline Wozniacki -bikini01.

  • GCard_Dream
    09-10 01:00 PM
    The discrepancy is due to the fact that you are looking at visa bulletin from 2 different month. The bulletin on State department's website is for September and the one on Mumbai consulate's website is supposed to be for October.

    Please help me understand this:

    The Dept. of State's web site has the visa bulletin for SEpt 2008 as:

    1st C
    2nd 01AUG06
    3rd U

    And the US Consulate's web site at Mumbai has:

    E1 Current
    E2 1 April 2003

    So, how come Consulates got the latest information? Why not post this on the DOS page too by the DOS?

    I am so sick and tired of this whole process of GC. I am starting to question myself if this entire process of wait, is worth at all? If you are illegal, you are free in this country, if you are legal they scrutiny your papers with a microscope....I am sick, totally sick. There is a limit to patience, too.:mad::mad::mad:

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  • akhilmahajan
    09-13 08:21 PM
    Here you go Buddy

    Order Details - Sep 13, 2007 8:43 PM EDT
    Google Order #745174720427596

    As i always say.

    GO IV GO


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  • yabadaba
    02-18 05:07 PM
    i had run these numbers a while back. for sure EB2 will reach the end of 2005 this year. i just hope its done systematically so that they clear everybody with an EB2 2005 PD this year.

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  • HV000
    07-23 12:42 PM
    DEMOCRATIC SENATORS like Hilary, Biden, Obama, Kerry, Kennedy,
    Dodd, Durbin blah blahed a lot for ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION but DID NOT HELP SKILLED IMMIGRANTS!!!



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  • saimrathi
    07-06 11:01 AM
    I missed the URL in the previous post.. D&vgnextchannel=34165c2af1f9e010VgnVCM1000000ecd190a RCRD

    USCIS has a section for Outstanding americans.. can we contact some of them with the issue at hand.. D&vgnextchannel=34165c2af1f9e010VgnVCM1000000ecd190a RCRD

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  • Original - 52 views - 7.13

  • Jitamitra
    09-09 03:54 PM
    My contribution of $100.

    Order Details - Sep 9, 2007 16:17 GMT-04:00
    Google Order #505491856061236


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  • pvhemanth
    09-15 12:29 AM
    For every $100 one time contribution by first time contributors I will match $25.00

    First time contributor, here are my order details from PAYPAL.

    Payment Details

    Transaction ID: 2UJ24640TV032825U
    Item Price: $100.00 USD
    Total: $100.00 USD
    Order Description: Contributions

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  • hopefullegalimmigrant
    12-28 12:15 PM
    According to this

    many of us should have got AP by now. As usual a status does not match the fact.


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  • skv
    08-12 05:35 PM
    I meant :

    We have to take some risk, if we want some progress on our I-140 cases. :-)

    Good night folks!

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  • vengaiah
    10-17 05:02 PM
    fromcisombudsman <>
    toVengi Mutthineni

    dateFri, Oct 17, 2008 at 2:49 PM
    subjectRE: Please consider the request

    Thank you for your recent inquiry.

    Under the authority of the Homeland Security Act of 2002, the CIS Ombudsman assists individuals and employers who experience specific problems during the USCIS benefits seeking process, largely to identify problems and to formulate recommendations to improve the USCIS service. Please see our website for more information about the CIS Ombudsman (

    Our office believes that first hand information from individuals like you is the best source for identifying systemic problems in the immigration benefits process. Accordingly, our office will consider the information you provided regarding AC21 as we develop recommendations to improve USCIS� practices and procedures.

    Thank you for taking the time to contact our office, and for giving us the opportunity to serve you.


    CIS Ombudsman


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  • diptam
    08-12 04:18 PM
    Small or medium companies who played by the rules are doing okay. I transferred H1B couple of times between small companies during 2009-10 recession time and in each case it was approved in 2-3 days. Both the companies had a 100% record in H1-transfer and PERM approval.

    I believe that small companies have a big impact too. As someone mentioned, check to see which companies filed GCs in the last 10 years....Infy, TCS or Small body shops?

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  • snathan
    08-12 11:51 AM
    This will infact increase offshoring.

    These companies will pay the extra fees, but will change their onshore/offshore model. Will use less H1/L1 visas , but will increase the headcount of offshore operations.

    So the smart senator will force more jobs to be outsourced. These jobs will never comeback once gone. If we look back at the 2000 recession, it caused a major shift in the way US companies looked at outsourcing. Pre-2000 many companies didn't believe that all jobs could be outsourced. 2000 recession forced them to think otherwise.

    These kind of bills will cause a re-thinking in corporate america's thought process. They will think of creative ways to outsource. Against this senator's hopes, it will reduce jobs here.

    Not true. Whatever they can outsource, its already gone. There are certain position where the clients demand onsite resource. I am not supporting this bill in anyway, I hate infy as much as I hate this bill. Remember these companies did not leave any stone unturned, milked the client every possible way and expoilted the employees to the maximum extent. In one another post - VLDRao was saying these companies does the tax filing on behalf the emoloyee, get the refund and again claim that tax in india using double taxation aoivdance treaty.

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  • bigboy007
    06-02 08:26 PM
    True , hope it will relieve as house sees through it and will make life of all easier by making it amendments or even drop the whole law , We dont want it.

    But also can some one point to me to place where it says H1B is not dual intent , i could only find DUAL iNTENT for some students.

    08-12 01:19 PM
    2. Desi consulting companies here with more than 50 employees will split them selves into 2 or 3 companies of less than 50 employees and avoid the 2000$ extra fee...

    LOL...such innovative thinking....

    07-19 03:41 PM
    Confirmation Number: 1RS188876V717273E

    Made another $100 contribution today. I hope that all members now realize that IV is doing a great job of addressing our issues and finally coming up with some results. This is just the beginning and the member contribution will determine how much more IV can accomplish. If we all don't join forces and contribute one way or the other, 8 or 10 core members alone can't do much.

    Membership and their contribution is the real strength of core team and if either one of those dries up, IV will no longer exist and all EB folks will once again become the step child of immigration process and no one will care about us. We have a voice now through IV, people know that we exist and realize the legal immigration process is badly broken and needs repair. Government and politicians have taken notice and agree that there is a problem with legal immigration. This is very significant. If we would like to continue this fight, contribution is a must.

    For those who are still hesitating to contribute, there is always that F5 (refresh) key which you can keep pressing and hope that some how pressing that F5 key enough times will result in some relief. You folks have more faith on that F5 key than IV and I wish you good luck with your green card process. Once you do get your green card, please let us know how many times did you have to press that key to get a green card. That will set the bar for the future generation of EB applicants.

    Thank you.

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