Sunday, June 26, 2011

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  • indyyy
    04-11 03:02 PM
    No, unfortunatelly, there are many thousands like me.
    PD - Nov 2001, regular, EB2 - No 45 day letter yet - How about that ?

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  • karan2004m
    01-08 07:22 PM
    Ok then why dont we teach some respect and humility to professor ji to show some respect for his country men as well..

    what a harsh speech that was..seems like some personal anger against india and their colleges...

    And respect and humility are another thing that differentiate us Indians from others!

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  • suavesandeep
    05-29 12:34 PM
    Well, so far so good for me. As per Zillow estimate, my home value is now 10k more than my purchase price. It depends on where you're buying.

    I guess that when the economy starts climbing up and people starts buying houses, interest rate will also climb up to 6%. At 6%, I need to pay $400 more per month.
    If you check interest rate trends for the last 50 years, You will notice that during every economic downturn which is every 5-7 years the interest rates do come down. Although this time the down is a bit more due to severe recession, If you notice even in the last downturn around 2002 was in the 5% range. So only buying a house on the basis of low interest rate may not be prudent.

    One month is a small time span to check the value. If lets say one year from now your house loses value by 6%, The money you would save by taking a 6% loan on a lower principal will be higher than the lower interest rate on a 6% higher principal you pay now. You can always refinance again during the next downturn when the rates may again go down. But you cannot change the original principal at what you bought the home.

    So My point is the original principal you pay to buy the home should be a more important factor in buying a home than the low interest rate.

    I think you must have considered everything and made a smart choice, and this is not pointing at you. This is just a data point for others who haven't bought yet to consider.

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  • franklin
    07-21 03:23 AM
    Defense bill is currently on hold. This amendment is for HR2669.
    Amendment Number: S.Amdt. 2339 to S.Amdt. 2327 to H.R. 2669 (College Cost Reduction Act of 2007 )

    Title: To provide for reconciliation pursuant to section 601 of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2008.

    Sorry, I'm still confused, but it is entirely possible its my misunderstanding of American Senate and House of Representatives proceedings. How does a Senator add an amendment to a House of Representative bill?

    Are we talking about 240,000 greencards to recapture or 2,400,000?

    By the way - just because you make the letters huge and bold, it doesn't make it easier to comprehend.


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  • let007live4ever
    02-07 09:15 AM
    AP isn't appoved yet. I have to wait for the approval in order to use that upon reentry.

    And yes someone can surely mail me the document. In that case I just have to hope the AP dosen't have any misprints or something.

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  • shreekhand
    07-24 02:19 PM
    A# is not a visa number but a file # assigned to each individiual applying for permanent immigration.

    Visa number is something that is not visible to the petitioner but a way to count of how many visa are issued for the various categories by the DoS.

    Pardon my intrusion here! I searched various forums but I couldn't get any solid threads on visa number because it is so common term the search always yields wrong threads! so can some one tell me..what is a visa number after filing 485? is it same a A # ? or is there another number besides A#? Do we see it on 485 reciept? if not how do I find out? I


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  • inskrish
    08-17 03:12 AM
    Looking at the recent approvals looks like USCIS does the following:

    1. Pick up x number of files using a random algorithm.
    2. Arrange these files in a random order using the same random algorithm
    followed in step 1.
    3. Randomly pick any file arranged in step 2.
    4. Toss a coin.
    5. On odd dates if it is heads,approve the file. On even dates if it is tails
    approve it.
    6. If file is not approved in step 5 put it on the shelf to be picked up
    in step 1 in next cycle.

    For Disclaimers: on step (1), x is also a random number, and the coin used on step (4) by USCIS may sometimes have neither tail nor head..:D

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  • sonyyy
    06-25 10:40 AM
    I agree.
    Uncertainty hurts but eventually, almost everybody will get what they want in this case.
    Plus, think about it this way, without this current, you won't be able to file your 485 anyway till next year.

    Relax Buddy , now that the bus has come they will keep coming .Most of the people will go in this bus. The dates will retrogress for some time and will be current maybe next year . If not this bus then the next bus . No use raising your blood pressure for this . Attorneys and the media have a habit of scaring people unnecessarily . This Current date is not the end of the world , so take a chill pill ..


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  • mirage
    08-18 02:52 PM
    Please don't wait to reach a consenus on the content, take a cue from this letter and modify it to put your own experience..bottomline is to get the word out to Senator Cornyn & Rep. Lofgren. I am sure they will do something if we can get them this info...
    Please continue to post your comments on the letter - the sooner we can all agree upon the content, the sooner we can start sending these out.

    Also, is there a possibility of having a common meeting (all retrogressed EB3 candidates) with Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren expressing our situation - just a thought.

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  • jung.lee
    04-04 06:55 PM
    What is the difference between LLC and C Corp.
    which is better to open out of the two if we are in EAD.

    The easiest to read, most succinct source I have found is through Quicken:




    Basically for small set ups (for example you and/or your spouse) you probably want to stick to LLC or S-Corp. S-corp has huge tax advantage in the sense that you can take a small W-2 salary from the firm (to minimize your payroll witholding taxes for social security and medicare) and take a large "partnership income" reported on a K-1, which is taxed at ordinary income tax rate, and is not subject to payroll withholding taxes for social security and medicare. If you think about it, by not taking the income fully on W-2, you will be saving around 15% in withholding taxes.


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  • srikondoji
    08-02 04:06 PM
    Thats a mess forced onto themselves. However, iam feeling happy and lucky about it. The hardships of USCIS employees started off from mid june and will never end just because of mess & mass miss-communication between the agencies.

    Since I was bored at work, I called this number and talked with a rep this morning @10. She told me that they have 76K applications pending for the receipt date as of July 27th. She said this two times thinking me to take on with surprise with this huge number. Yes, of course I am surprised. Is it only 76K apps by July 27th?

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  • Kodi
    06-22 02:59 PM
    can some one share there login user name and password to check status of labor. My lawyer has not shared this with me and i have to check with him every other day ... wish i could do it myself ... you can pm me if u prefer

    Login is uniqe for each employer. My login will not work for you.


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  • akp22
    05-27 07:59 PM
    $100 today

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  • wandmaker
    03-12 11:45 AM
    Hi Guys,

    I noticed recently a lot of people have the status of "Donor" instead of "Senior Member", "Member", Junior Member etc.

    How does one become a "Donor". I have donated to IV SEVERAL times in the past.

    Can you take sometime to fill in your profile?


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  • tikka
    07-19 11:34 PM
    Contributed one time $100. Will not hesitate to do so in the future. Nice job IV!!!

    Most media articles on the 485 issue had one common note "This normally not so vocal group of legal working immigrants have stood up and spoke". IV made sure that will not be so anymore and we have a strong resonating voice that will make a difference


    for your contribution... :)

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  • gsc999
    09-11 06:36 PM
    Seeing ur quote I remember another quote..

    Though What I am going to tell is not in the context of D.C.Rally

    Late Indian Prime Minister P.V.Narasimha Rao has a great quote, which he often quoted to reporters at interviews, where he was silent on many burning issues of his time and later used to say

    "Not taking a decision also a decision."
    Please stop analyzing. This is a decisive moment. Join the DC rally!


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  • susie
    07-07 01:32 AM
    Please, please update when you get any news.

    I have a very dicey situation with my son, who is turning 21 in January 2008.

    Good luck for the outcome!


    Case filed end March 07 at Tampa mid district. They had 60days to respond , so by end May 07 should have heard

    Just before end May 07 they asked for another 30days and as a professional curtesy my attorney agreed, so should have heard by end June 07

    Just before end June the Attorney General's legal department called my attorney and asked yet again for another 30days !!! as my case paperwork with them was very thin (whatever that means) Their attorney stated on the phone they would like to resolve, again whatever that is supposed to mean

    Apparently Geoff Gorsky has not replied to his own attorney ! so their attorney has asked for all and any evidence we have on CSPA case.

    Today 6th July 07 I drove from Orlando to Tampa to hand deliver my case file, but my attorney has stated they will not be allowed more extra time as we will be at 120 days wait at end of July 07

    The CSPA is badly written and needs leglislative fix, Myself and another member have written our own draft amendment for legislation to protect all children from aging out. This has beed passed to Dave Weldon's office and in turn passed to his legislators, so will see what happens

    I will update you all as if I win my case could well assist many others if they are advised their child has aged out. If you wish to support our efforts please join

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  • desi chala usa
    07-11 09:22 AM
    I know many people have their priority dates current since past few months but still they are waiting for I-485 approval. Hope this should not be scam to issue the EAD for only a year instead of two years.

    Almost two years jump is unbelievable specially we know big numbers of Perms filed during 2005 and mid of 2006.

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  • gc_chahiye
    07-20 06:37 PM
    July filers SCREAMED for the right to simultaneously file after the government realized they had to reneg on their bulletin precisely because they could NOT cope with these numbers. AILA screamed that it had to do it or they would sue.

    Well it's done. Happy now?

    I remember talking of how the all current bulletin was a big mistake in the first place because of the jam it would create and i was shot down for suggesting such a thing.

    And now the massive backlog is the result.

    You can't have your cake and eat it too.

    No sooner do some get the right to file for EAD than they are bitching about how long it will take to get it.

    I urge you to show some patience. Receipting alone is taking monumental amounts of time. So chill, focus on other things and enjoy whatever privileges you have.

    Rampant speculation built on figures from people like Mathew Oh and assumptions about how and when resources are allocated to EAD processing are just one assumption built upon another. They do nothing but terrify people.

    It's hard waiting. I came here in 2000. Still I wait. Almost 8 years now. And I hate it. But make no mistake about it. We are, for now at least, guests in this country and we have all, almost without exception, learned early in this process that there would be many frustrating delays.

    One thing people forget is that the USCIS is WHOLLY self funded. This pre-fee-raise deluge just knocked 250 million out of the operating budget. And we wanted it that way. Now, sadly, we'll need to show some patience.

    Perhaps with a little luck, they will again introduce interim EADs from local SA offices. Keep your fingers crossed.

    thats one way to look at it. The other way to see this is that:

    - given enough people making noise its possible to get DOS/USCIS to make changes and fix things. this has now been proven.

    -there is a lot more visibility for EB related issues now, so much better chance of recapture or exemption for spouses from VB calculations etc.

    - instead of focus being on filing 485 without visa numbers (which is what IV focussed on for a while) everyone will now focus right at the root of the problem. All 500K are now focussed on solving the main issue.

    07-05 10:50 AM
    All NJ guys can meet Congressman Pallone, without any problem. You guys are always driving around these addresses.....

    67/69 Church St.
    Kilmer Square
    New Brunswick, N.J. 08901
    Phone: (732) 249-8892 MONMOUTH

    504 Broadway
    Long Branch, N.J. 07740
    Phone: (732) 571-1140
    (888) 423-1140

    06-10 10:57 AM
    So July visa bulletin is out ... we will see comments with frustation and appeals to fight for the cause ... however, this is a prediction thread, so my prediction is that by next week, all affected people will accept the reality and will move on with their life waiting for August visa bulletin or for the next year quota. My purpose is not to offend anyone, but this is just the observation we all had in the past, so why this time around its going to be any different?

    Now as far as those three bills are concerned ... at times I feel that they are just pacifiers to amuse the crying babies. We all can see that immigration related bill (fashion models, regional investors etc) are getting passed, but not the one's that we really want. Therefore hearings in the sub-committie and than in full hearings will go on till August, and afterwards presidential election will be the focus ... immigration reforms will take a back seat. New administration in 2009 will have more immediate priorities to fix the economy, war, etc. Immigration will eventually appear on the radar, but only after some time.

    So only movement I can see in near future is EB3 to EB2 conversion. That's OK too. because everyone has a right to straddle the lanes. Out of that stampede, some will get approved, some will get rejected, and will create more mess in the system. But that's inevitable ... and if a mass transition happens, USCIS will have no other option to bring in yet another rule to make their life easy, we all can guess ... what that may be ... I think this is one of the reasons why USCIS does not allow 140 premium processing anymore. Now those who are hopefull for EB2, my message is that USCIS can very easily justify visa wastage this year because of the extra load they got from Citizenship applications. Personally, I do not have much hope of USCIS working efficiently.

    I am not trying to spread pessimism, but just giving my predictions. We all need to think hard, as to how can we come out of this mess. Flower campaign worked once, but doesn't mean that its gonna be effective again and again.

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