Friday, June 24, 2011

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  • pappu
    08-08 12:15 PM
    I sent you one in a PM a few minutes ago.

    Thanks I got it and sent you a PM. Could you post it yourself on this thread so that others can also view it.

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  • sushilup
    07-11 08:28 AM
    I agree with tnite

    But the downside to this is that most EB2 July filers have (or will be) been renewing their EAD's in August/Sepetember and this bulleting will not let USCIS give out 2 yr EAD's and instead hand out 1 yr ones.

    Just because your PD is current dosnt mean that USCIS will process your apps right away. There are folks whose PD was current under July bulletin and their apps haven't been touched based on some anecdotal evidence here..
    But the Eb3 news is not good.
    just my 2 cents

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  • jaihind
    07-18 01:05 PM
    I just upgraded my monthly from 20 to 50 and also convinced 5 more aspirants to join and contribut 20 or 50 per month.

    Let us all join hands and show our strength !!!

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  • gc_maine2
    08-10 12:39 PM
    I hope it is this coming monday.:)

    Which Monday are we going to get these receipts. About 3 Mondays have come and gone and a 4th one coming up :)


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  • mirage
    03-31 10:11 AM
    In this era of IT, USCIS keeps crying about being bombarded suddenly with this application that applications. I wonder such a big agency doesn't have projections etc. When you Adjudicated millions of Green cards lin 2002-2003 than obviously you are going to get bombarded with Application for Citizenship in 2007 you weren't prepared for that ??? This organization is headed by most incompetant people who doesn't have any clue of Management, I guess they should go back to school...

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  • rajuram
    05-24 10:18 PM
    Which bills are you talking about? I read most were dropped from Iraq funding bill that passed recently.

    We are just drifting my hope....

    Please contribute IVians. We need your support to lobby for the current bills which have been introduced.

    My perspective on contributing to IV, is that I would gladly contribute $100 if there was a chance that I can get my gc a few months faster because of the efforts of IV.

    Got GC Stress??
    Contribute To IV Today!!


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  • chanduv23
    11-08 03:07 PM

    I am about to switch jobs using EAD. I am worried that if my current employer revokes my 140, CIS may by mistake cancel my pending AOS. I am mentally prepared for this and talk to lawyer to be ready to file MTR in this case. However here is my question.

    1. Will this immediately cancel my EAD? if so, I may have to resign.
    2. If I continue working while filling for MTR, will it be illegal?
    3. How much it costs to go thru' MTR process? How long it takes?

    I read on some other website that denying 485 doesn't automatically cancel your EAD. Any inputs?

    see my blog

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  • Sampath7768
    07-18 03:51 PM
    Hello All,

    Some food for thought.

    As I understand we (i.e IV) has 21000 members and 14000 active members. If even each active member contrubute $ 20 per month, that would be $ 420,000 per month or about $ 5 Mn per year.

    Imagine the miracles that we can do with that kind of fund!! And I am damn sure that we can afford $ 20 per month. Cost of few gallons of gas per month.

    Non contributing, active members! Please wake up atleast now and do some soul searching!!!


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  • mayitbesoon
    01-22 11:42 AM
    does anyone know the timeframe of receipt date being processed for I-140 at TSC?

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  • smc
    07-20 01:06 PM
    Is there a way to seperate the HI-B increase from the EB- green card recapture? So long as they are lumped together, it will always be difficult to pass. Also, is it possible to make this apply to all EB categories, not just Schedule A and EB-1 and 2?

    Is there anything we can do for this?



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  • Green.Tech
    06-05 09:54 AM
    ...on top!

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  • Libra
    07-06 03:43 PM
    You might be senior member than me, i may not post my comments more offenly, i just read what others are saying. Even i dont mean to disrespect you, and whatever i said below is not to offend you. I hope you understand

    I don't mean to disrespect you but I guess you are going too far with your words. [COLOR="Black"]We are with IV much before you born.[/COLOR...really core born in 1970's i cant beleive that]. ok so do not dare teach us what we should be doing, with your 49 posts there are many who had 200 to 300 posts but dont say a sensible word

    Now back to your comments. You seem to be lost in some dreamy world. What do you mean by just accept the application, so that you can save yourself from loosing money. Do you worry about your GC/EAD or saving your money. From your posts it look like you are more interested in getting your money back than the eligibility to file for EAD.
    this is not my agenda, and by the way am not asking USCIS to give back my money which i paid in fees, i have that much sense, if they dont accept my app then they dont draw my money. first read my post properly and then comment and am not living in any dream, when USCIS can do anything they can do this one too. and this is my opinion not IV's. I made that comment because many of them discouraging other by -ve talk

    I'm sure IV does not agree with you and that's not the IV goal. Focus is on to make USCIS accept what they promise and that is accepting the applications files on July for AOS.

    What you are trying to do is twist your own agenda of getting your money back by making it as an IV goal. It's not a bad thing to save money or asking the money back from USCIS, which you anyway going to get when they reject your application and send your check back. As far as attorney's fees are concerned, lot of attorney's are going to refile without any charge or for some additional meagre fees.
    Now the decision is yours, whether you want to get your money or you want the eligibility to file for EAD/GC/AP.


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  • ska_iit
    09-12 12:52 PM
    Hi IV members,
    Thanks for all the work and effort put into making the life of many simple.
    Just made a small contribution from my side
    $100 from paypal Receipt ID: 0140-0216-9540-2146

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  • jayleno
    07-14 03:11 PM
    Just dropped a check for $5. I hope all of the remaining members do the same.


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  • susie
    07-15 11:18 AM

    Here is one draft, not sure if it is the final draft and still checking, but this gives you and idea of our thoughts

    Dear Rep./Sen./Readers

    Expat�s Voice: Representing the Expat Community

    We at Expat�s Voice ask for your support in achieving genuinely comprehensive and fair immigration reform.

    Our organization represents thousands of members who have legally immigrated to the United States, including immigrant and nonimmigrant visa holders, and those that are awaiting immigration. The diversity of our membership means we truly understand first hand the problems with the current immigration system.

    We commend the work of the Government in attempting to bring in much needed reform. However, the rights of many, specifically of children and of legal immigrants are being overlooked, and we want to bring the pertinent issues to your attention.

    First, we ask for a much needed compassionate visa. Many of our members, due to immigration related reasons cannot leave the country without repercussions for their visa status. They have elderly Parents and other relatives in seriously ill condition. Similarly, our own families have not been allowed to enter the USA on a compassionate basis. My own husband passed away last year, but my son was refused a temporary visa to pay his last respects because of problems with �immigrant intent.� The US Embassy showed no compassion or common sense. Yet due to the unfairness of the system, many families have to suffer this type of humiliation on a regular basis as a result of the system, largely because of reasons of mere technicalities. This has to change.

    Second, we support all measures that protect children. They are innocent in the whole immigration process whether brought to this country legally or illegally. The US Government has failed repeatedly to bring the Dream Act to fruition. We ask that ALL children, whether having entered the USA illegally or under legal nonimmigrant status, who can bring so much benefit to this country�s future be recognized and protected as soon as possible. There is ambiguity as to whether the Dream Act protects all children the meet the criteria or only illegal children; if it is the latter it needs to expanded to cover legal migrant children, whose Parents have respected and abided with US immigration laws. In addition, the legislation would not prevent certain nonimmigrant dependent (such as E dependents) from aging out at 21 unless they meet certain criteria. Therefore, we also ask for an amendment to the Child Protection Status Act of 2002 (CSPA), if not in the Dream Bill, to prevent these families from being separated when the child reaches 21.

    Third, many children �age out� due to the long waiting periods involved with family-based petitions. The Child Protection Status Act of 2002 (CSPA) was intended to address many of these issues, but the legislation has simply failed in this aim. Many of our members are now stuck in their country of residence, despite their Parents and younger siblings having already immigrated to the USA. The CSPA was designed to ensure children who aged out were awarded earlier priority dates associated with their previous petition to prevent being forced to the back of the line with a new petition and new priority date (and, when taking into account the waits associated with both the original petition and the subsequent petition after aging out, this can cause waits in excess of 30 years). However, the failure of the USCIS to apply this law correctly, because of an ambiguity in the way section 3 (INS, section 203(h)) is drafted, and the fact no visa advisory opinion nor any rules have been issued after four and half years since the CSPA was enacted, means many families remain separated.

    Fourth, many of our members are E2 and L1 visa holders. They contribute millions of dollars to the US economy and provide employment to many American citizens. However, despite being in this country legally and providing many benefits, they are treated like second class members in the USA. Our E2 members have to return to their country every two years to renew their visa, with no guarantee of visa renewal putting their investment and the American employees at serious risk. This is compounded with severe delays in visa processing times, particularly in London. Despite providing these benefits, often for more than a decade, it is very disappointing that our members do not have a direct path to citizenship. What is even more surprising is that despite having abided by and respected US laws, it is the illegal immigrants who stand to directly benefit from the Strive Bill with a direct path to permanent residency and citizenship.

    Our members, many of who are British citizens, feel cheated by the US Government. Much is spoken of our �special relationship,� but in practice it seems the rights of illegal immigrants take priority. Further, many have suffered from poor treatment by immigration and enforcement officials, but we remain patient and respectful. As an organization we are neither for nor against the rights of illegal immigrants. We simply ask that our commitment and duty to this country be recognized with at least equal reward and that you support Rep. Heather Wilson�s proposed E2 Nonimmigrant Investor Adjustment Act of 2007. We do, however, believe the 3,000 proposed figure will create a backlog of investor immigrants and so urge you to remove the proposed cap, or support a larger number and/or also introduce an annual increase to meet market demand.

    In sum we ask you for fair reforms: to recognize the principle of family reunification through amendments to the CSPA; to reward those who abide by and respect US laws to at least the same level as those that don�t; to treat the children with compassion and open arms by giving them an opportunity to remain in and benefit this great country; and to show compassion and prevent humiliation to many thousands of families, by allowing family members to be with their loved one on a temporary basis in their time of need and often in their last moments, both in the USA and outside the USA.

    For more information please also visit us at We have also included an appendix discussing the issues more fully with draft amendments and explanations to provide solutions to the above issues.


    Mrs. S Ward
    For and on behalf of
    Expats Voice

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  • axp817
    05-14 12:15 PM
    Just an update from my side:

    I have just talked local Congresswoman's Office and I have talked to a staff member for 1 hour and she is helping me. She is going to call NSC and get to the root cause of this problem.

    If you are reading this, do not lose hope. We have to try every avenue and knock every door that is open.

    That is the attitude, my brother.

    Good luck with the MTR, it is sickening to see such blatant errors on their part.

    I'm sure the eventual outcome will be in your favor, and it is good to see that you are still in good spirits.



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  • dpp
    07-06 12:15 PM
    I have changed the thread title.

    Thanks, i don't want to confuse, but i just put something to post it initially.

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  • FinalGC
    01-03 02:44 PM
    When my son was in 3rd grade, he was asked a question ...who were the pilgrims from your family. I told him it was his parents.

    I presume just like the first pilgrims in USA had a lot of struggle, similarly we too are in the same boat....a time will come when we all will get our GC's....however the true beneficiary of the GC will be our children and our benefit will come by seeing our children getting that benefit. However, we all seem to be living better off than the 1st pilgrims...we are living more comfortably, driving good cars and have homes, enjoying the US dream to some extant....Even now if you go to your home are considered a wealthy guy.....even if you have less money in your bank than your counterparts in India or other places...this is due to the standard of living in USA is expensive.

    With the global economy and Infosys hiring US Citizens, I am not sure where where the job market is going, but I feel for the next 50-60 years US is still the place to live, since it has a very strong economy. With that perspective I believe a little struggle is acceptable.....

    GC is out there for all of us...keep the hope alive...

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  • Canadian_Dream
    06-01 08:18 PM
    I re-read the section and I think your interpretation is correct. All I-140 filed after introduction and approved before enactment should stand clear from this provision. If there is an I-485 petition filed along with such an I-140 that is approved before enactment of this act, then it will qualify for an immigrant visa whenever one is available under the old law.

    Again one needs to run this interpretation through a lawyer to be absolutely sure.

    Hmm so I was quite worried about good old Section 502(d)(2) at first, but after re reading carefully, this may not be terrible. I (and others?) might have pressed the panic button a little too quickly.

    As I read it now (and I am NOT a lawyer), any I-140 petition adjudicated after the effective date of this legislation (Oct 2008 seems to be the popular opinion) will be rejected if the I-140 petition has a filing date after May 15th 2007. If this *only* applies to adjudication of I-140s and NOT to I-485s, this means that you would have to have filed your I-140 after May 15th and have it still pending by Oct 2008 .... 14 months for folks filing in the near future. This is quite unlikely, as it takes only a month or so for premium processing, and around 6 months for non-premium.

    Folks might get into trouble if they have a labor certification stuck in the BEC and it doesn't get approved for another 12 months or so...

    Comments ?

    - GS

    (of course, this is all speculation, I realize there's a long way to go before this becomes law).

    09-12 09:01 PM
    I was hoping to get people to start their monthly contribution, but it seems people are more inclined to make one time contribution. So I have added this to the start of the thread.

    >>For every $100 one time contribution by first time contributors I will match $25.00. <<

    So people with their fingers on the trigger, who don't want to commit long term, here is your chance. Please allow me to help you squeeze the trigger and fire your first shot.

    I already have Struggle and green_world. Just need 2 new first time $100 contributors to make my next $100 contribution.

    08-23 09:49 AM
    Does it mean the eligibility criteria/job requirement for EB2 is changed from Bachelors + 5 years of experience to Bachelors + 10 years of experience?

    Read the definition of EB-2, and its sub-classification for Advanced Degree, Exception abilities and National Interest Waiver.

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