Friday, June 24, 2011

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  • Libra
    09-12 11:10 AM
    thank you sameold and sukhwindered for your contributions, hope to see you guys in DC.

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  • gotgc?
    07-19 09:22 AM
    I heard about IV a lot in the last couple of weeks. And I saw the article and I am very impressed. I want to be the proud member of IV. Just contributed $100 one time through paypal. (Receipt Number: 3856-4213-5890-9338). Hope to contribute more in the future.

    Go IV!!!

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  • bskrishna
    06-10 11:36 AM
    So July visa bulletin is out ... we will see comments with frustation and appeals to fight for the cause ... however, this is a prediction thread, so my prediction is that by next week, all affected people will accept the reality and will move on with their life waiting for August visa bulletin or for the next year quota. My purpose is not to offend anyone, but this is just the observation we all had in the past, so why this time around its going to be any different?

    Now as far as those three bills are concerned ... at times I feel that they are just pacifiers to amuse the crying babies. We all can see that immigration related bill (fashion models, regional investors etc) are getting passed, but not the one's that we really want. Therefore hearings in the sub-committie and than in full hearings will go on till August, and afterwards presidential election will be the focus ... immigration reforms will take a back seat. New administration in 2009 will have more immediate priorities to fix the economy, war, etc. Immigration will eventually appear on the radar, but only after some time.

    So only movement I can see in near future is EB3 to EB2 conversion. That's OK too. because everyone has a right to straddle the lanes. Out of that stampede, some will get approved, some will get rejected, and will create more mess in the system. But that's inevitable ... and if a mass transition happens, USCIS will have no other option to bring in yet another rule to make their life easy, we all can guess ... what that may be ... I think this is one of the reasons why USCIS does not allow 140 premium processing anymore. Now those who are hopefull for EB2, my message is that USCIS can very easily justify visa wastage this year because of the extra load they got from Citizenship applications. Personally, I do not have much hope of USCIS working efficiently.

    I am not trying to spread pessimism, but just giving my predictions. We all need to think hard, as to how can we come out of this mess. Flower campaign worked once, but doesn't mean that its gonna be effective again and again.

    Fashion models and Sport personnel and EB-5 folks are few in numbers and will go unnoticed by their constituents. Other EB categories are comparatively huge. So I suppose that congress is treading carefully. If the bills does not go though the subcommittee and full ones, opponents will debate that the bill was sneaked in or piggy backed or pushed through. Hopefully something will emerge before the presidential elections. Lets not loose hope and try our best. Anything after the elections will be bound to be bogged down by CIR...

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  • jasmin45
    07-12 07:20 PM
    URGENT ACTION ITEM : We need stories from people who suffered damages due to the July Visa bulletin fiasco. This request is coming straight from the office of Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren. Please respond - ESPECIALLY if you live in San Jose, CA (Congresswomans' district).

    DO SEND YOUR STORIES ASAP to facilitate Hon. Rep who stood with us during this difficult time. :)


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  • mdmd10
    09-14 02:56 PM
    Just made a 1 time contribution of $100.
    Thank you for all the good work.

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  • unseenguy
    02-09 06:17 PM
    Yes, you are right! The Indian parent should have given their retirement a very high priority than their kids education. There are millions of middle class parents who didn't care about their retirement but worried and planned for their kids future by spending not only money but also precious time.

    I am not sure, I think you are being sarcastic to my post. If someone's dad gets cancer, whats your advice? He should bring him to US to the best cancer hospital and spend life's saving on him? Personally I have been very fortunate. My parents took care of their retirements and financial affairs as well as my education. Very lucky indeed. Despite all this, I have told my parents that I would not be able to get treatment for them in US but would provide best possible one in India. Is this being ungrateful? No. Everyones life comes to an end.

    I also said that if someones parents need financial support they should make it a very clear requirement at the time of arranging marriage. Like my maternal grandmother was bedridden due to medical condition for about 10-15 years. So when her son got married, it was a precondition that she will be part of the family and that the daughter in law will have to adjust and support her. One girl (my aunt ) accepted it, and lived happily with it as her duty. So it all depends. Different people different experiences.


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  • somegchuh
    07-19 06:12 PM

    My understanding of the 1-485 processing is that there are several things that they do and checking the PD is the last thing they do to issue a GC.

    The RD is the order that they follow until they find out if your PD is current. As for moving by RD, I have noticed that movement in NSC for the last 6 months has been really slow. And now, with so many more apps pouring in it can only get slower. But given the fact they are under the microscope right now they might just kick the tires and processing may pick up speed for a few months. This will benefit all the ppl who have been waiting for 485 approvals for 6+ months and their PD's are really (g)old. It might also benefit recent filers in getting EAD/AP sooner. But all of this going to be very political and can swing either way. So I wouldn't bet my money on either side and/or logic :D

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  • priti8888
    07-18 06:03 PM

    That is not true. Receipt Date is when the service center physically receives the package. They date stamp it and then use it to enter that RD when they generate the Notice on the ND.

    What you see on the status page for sure reflects the ND and NOT the RD. So you can pretty much ignore what the status page says and rely on what your physical notice says (it states the actual RD when they physically received the package!)

    Hope this is a clear explanation.

    Oh really!..then i might be wrong. So RD is before the ND

    THANKS Shreekhand


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  • santb1975
    05-27 02:03 PM

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  • BRK
    05-05 02:47 PM
    Good job!
    I was able to call few too and left messages for each.
    Hopefully some kind of progress and approval is achieved.
    I will call the remaining senators on the list in the next few days.


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  • Green.Tech
    06-05 06:22 PM

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  • lc1978
    09-10 11:59 AM
    Google Order #208807257950866


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  • AMKumar
    07-20 09:57 AM
    Them democrats, they will never help us. Because as per them "we are stealing jobs". We should really start something like the flower campaign to expose all these double talkers. I mean go and see the youtube video by Hillary about how she likes legal immigrants and all that BS. Now contrast that with her "Ney" vote for an amendment which would have helped the legal immigrant community to a great extent. With the momentum that we have currently with media, we should really start exposing these people for who they are, a bunch of hypocrites!.

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  • mrajatish
    03-15 11:32 AM
    Any ideas on when this hearing is?


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  • test101
    07-24 04:40 PM
    Even if you are RN licenes and educated in the USA. You still need a visa screen. I had to apply for visa screen. In my case it took only 1 week to get it. you can apply on line and send your documents. I'm not sure about the EAD though. YOu may wwant to post your question on the free Consultaion thread.

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  • RaviG
    06-25 03:10 PM
    Since I am sure that my GC will take 5 to 10 years more. Meanwhile too many things will change that might make me go back home. So I decided to invest in home(India). I sold lot of stocks. Stopped contributing to 401K above employers match (I used to contribute full 15K). Deferred buying house until my 140 approved.

    I am at a life stage where I have enough experience and tendency to take risks (married but no kids etc...). If I have flexibility of not working, I want to invest my time in a small startup. Working/investing a start-up means I might go out of status anytime. So I decided not to try any of those. Its a loss for me as well as for economy. If I accumulate enough money I might go home and try to do something like startup or small business. It would be good for US and me if they let me do it here.

    In essence I am loosing the oppurtunity and by restricting my career US is loosing an oppurtunity to create more jobs.


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  • jungalee43
    04-29 03:58 PM
    Can there be link for FAX for the guest members? I can get about 100 people to send fax. They are members of Indian community (many are citizens) and may not have time to make phone calls. But with simple provision to send fax at one time to all these senators, I am pretty sure I can get 100 people to send faxes.
    Again the provision is required for guest members who are willing to write their address and phone number.

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  • reachtoravi
    07-20 12:23 AM
    Donated one time $100 ...

    Just now signed up for $50 a month recurring contribution ...

    Thanks to IV for all great work.

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  • bigboy007
    06-03 01:40 AM
    I have opened sep thread for the same , i am sorry if this is not acceptable policy of forum and i am reposting as this topic originated here:

    ================================================== =

    I have been following with different threads over articles of Susherman / AILA on abolishing Dual intent for H1B visa and very much , deeply curious about finding the same :

    Since i myself new of all these different texts of various immigration laws it took me some time but i think i found out the nerve of it atlast.

    Here it goes :

    There are two important sections of Student visas.

    this bill is carefully drafted against us [h1B and green card] such that this provision is included in student visas section.
    ================================================== ====

    14 section 214 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1184(b))
    15 is amended—
    17 (1) by striking the parenthetical phrase “(other than a
    18 nonimmigrant described in subparagraph (L) or (V) of section
    19 101(a)(15), and other than a nonimmigrant described in any
    20 provision of section 101(a)(15)(H)(i) except subclause (b1) of
    21 such section) " in the first sentence; and
    23 (2) by striking “under section 101(a)(15)" and inserting in its
    24 place “under the immigration laws.".
    27 Subsection (h) of section 214 of the Immigration and Nationality Act
    28 (8 U.S.C. 1184(h)) is amended—
    30 (1) by inserting “(F)(iv)," following “(H)(i)(b) or (c),"; and
    32 (2) by striking “if the alien had obtained a change of status" and
    33 inserting in its place “if the alien had been admitted as, provided
    34 status as, or obtained a change of status";

    ================================================== =====

    what does (c) in Student visas do :

    214(b) of Immigration and Nationality Act : defines whether the applicant has an immigration intent or not and in general avoids , H , L , etc visas out of this category.

    As stated in US code of Law this is what it is :

    ================================================== ======
    "Every alien (other than a nonimmigrant described in subparagraph (L) or (V) of section 1101 (a)(15) of this title, and other than a nonimmigrant described in any provision of section 1101 (a)(15)(H)(i) of this title except subclause (b1) of such section) shall be presumed to be an immigrant until he establishes to the satisfaction of the consular officer, at the time of application for a visa, and the immigration officers, at the time of application for admission, that he is entitled to a nonimmigrant status under section 1101 (a)(15) of this title. An alien who is an officer or employee of any foreign government or of any international organization entitled to enjoy privileges, exemptions, and immunities under the International Organizations Immunities Act [22 U.S.C. 288 et seq.], or an alien who is the attendant, servant, employee, or member of the immediate family of any such alien shall not be entitled to apply for or receive an immigrant visa, or to enter the United States as an immigrant unless he executes a written waiver in the same form and substance as is prescribed by section 1257 (b) of this title."

    ================================================== ======

    By doing this (i.e. remove my Underlined and Bold letters) they making H1B prone to 214B clause and any CONSULAR officer can reject visa based on this statute as a H1B categorized as IMMIGRANT intent rather than earlier being non-immigrant.

    Now i think this should not effect 485 or 140 or any immigration applications as still H1B holder is still categorized in DUAL Intent.

    This is how : when (d) of the above Student visa section is applied this is how it turns :

    This is from US code of rules pertaining to 8 U.S.C. 1184(h)

    (h) Intention to abandon foreign residence
    The fact that an alien is the beneficiary of an application for a preference status filed under section 1154 of this title or has otherwise sought permanent residence in the United States shall not constitute evidence of an intention to abandon a foreign residence for purposes of obtaining a visa as a nonimmigrant described in subparagraph (H)(i)(b) or (c),(F)(iv), (L), or (V) of section 1101 (a)(15) of this title or otherwise obtaining or maintaining the status of a nonimmigrant described in such subparagraph, if the alien had been admitted as, provided status as, or obtained a change of status under section 1258 of this title to a classification as such a nonimmigrant before the alien’s most recent departure from the United States.

    ================================================== ======

    Section 1258 is nothing but Change of nonimmigrant classification which allows for change of status with in Non-immigrant visas.

    based on all these , conclusion i see is : h1B visa can now be rejected ( if law passes and i wish , i pray and i am doing all my best it doesnt) under 214B for consular posts.

    Still h1B is considered DUAL Intent as per above amendment as it doesnt remove 101 (a)(b) (H) as they are speciality workers that is we.

    Please comment , i know i am not an immigration attorney with my knowledge i tried to relate things i am curious about this subject and i request all to comment on this and i feel i made a good judgment based on these resources i have please comment.


    But logically i also feel this H1B under 214B as doesnt logical for a person whose 140 is approved as in principle his intent of being Immigrant is approved.

    07-24 08:05 AM
    Congrats to your approval!

    I'm just waiting for them to start working on the 2002 cases now, since everyone who applied later already got their greencards it seems. :(
    I think it is sooo unfair that someone who applied in 2005 already got a green card and taking the visa numbers when others have waited 3 or 4 more years(!) extra have to wait even longer. That is something for IV to fight for...

    10-21 03:01 PM
    I have already sent the emails and will be sending the letters Tomorrow.

    GO I/WE GO.

    Need more people sending emails. This is really a very slow pace (and on contrary the same people don't like USCIS for being slow).

    Send emails now.

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